MovieChat Forums > Dead Man Walking (1996) Discussion > Is what the nurse said true?

Is what the nurse said true?

When Sister Prejean asks her if she's the one who puts the needle in, the nurse replies that it's "privileged information".

If it is and they believe in what they're doing, why shouldn't they be able to answer people's questions? I'd personally be happy to.


Of course it's true. The executioner or participants are entitled to anonymity. And who says they believe in what they're doing? In The Chamber (1996) the prison wrden is almost distraught with merely being there but medical personnel are required to be present.

Are you saying you would be comfortable with the prisoners family and friends knowing you had a hand in the execution of a loved one? Not to mention risking the identities of your colleagues by association! It's precisely why the room is curtained off during preparation.

Hey! You're not old enough to drink! Now go and die for your country!!!


What about the judge that passes sentence, the governor who signs the death warrant and prison director who oversees the whole process? They're as responsible for the prisoner's death as the execution team but they apparently don't need anonymity. And if they don't believe in what they're they doing how on earth could they do it and live with themselves? Everyone on the team volunteers to be there. Nobody forces them.


There's a difference. Judges and wardens sign up to be a part of society's judicial system and as such are associate to it's punitive measures, so your argument it facile. And how the hell do you know how they live with themselves? Medical personnel have to make hard choices every day. This guy was being put to death no matter what. I think it's actually admirable that a nurse would choose to ensure he died as peacefully as possible.

Are you so naive that you think if all the nurses and doctors refused to participate that we'd have an end to CP?

Hey! You're not old enough to drink! Now go and die for your country!!!
