There is proof that the death penalty has put to death the innocent along with the guilty, which proves that anyone who backs the death penalty is a moron. But on with my comments.
This is a fine film and it's really about a convict trying to redeem himself before he faces the death penalty. I myself don't feel sympathy for Matt until he walks his last walk. I personally think life in prison would be more fitting and less humane than lethal injection. To answer one poster's thread, Matthew Poncelet eventually does "own up" to his sins, as he finally admits to rape and murder to Sister Helen and finds redemption.
I've also been against the death penalty, mostly because of the possibility of killing an innocent person. After searching the internet and researching the issue, I've become even more more opposed to it. The whole procedure is so downright cold blood. The people involved are just a half notch above the murderers they kill, if even that.
Im totally for the death penalty when done right a few innocent people die we learn from it human nature. If it was a family member of mine or my son I would look at evidence and if guilty then done. If my son ever ever ever raped anyone of cold blooded killed someone with much anger and sadness ill kill him myself. The world isnt full of scum its full of love and if someone does those things get rid of them and get on with the good how can any one any human ever ever think we can spend hundreds and thousands on rapist but not towards our homeless or victims ect... ohhhhhh people dont deserve to be raped and killed families of victims don't deserve it we raped DONT DESERVE TO BE NOTHING HAVE NOTHING ANDHAVE OUR RAPIST GET FULL DENTAL FULL LOVE FROM WEIRDOS WHO THINK A RAPSIT WHO SPLITS CHILDREN AND WOMEN AND MEN APART DESERVE THINGS WE DONT GET. SERIOUSLY SERIOUSLY WHEN YOU GET TO HEAVEN GOD WILL SEND YOU TO HELL SO CAN GET RIPPED APART!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BLEED AND NEVER BE ABLE TO HAVE CHILDREN.
You think your caps lock makes people empathize and understand your opinion more? It just makes you look like an angry child in an old AOL chat room.
But you did bring up an interesting point. If someone rapes/murders your spouse or child or kid -- a lot of people might wanna take it into their own hands. I can't say if I was older and faced with the SS/Nazis that killed my family in violent disgusting ways that I wouldn't have an urge to get revenge. But I consider myself a pacifist, so those thoughts stay thoughts.
I am also against the death penalty for a couple reasons. The government tells us that killing (premeditated murder) is wrong. Yet when it occurs and your found guilty the government then takes a life. It's okay for the government to kill (based upon the decision of 12 of your peers). Now I don't know about you, but could you imagine trusting 12 random people to decide whether someone might ultimately die. The second being with the scientific DNA improvements that before this we put many innocent people to death, and even now, the chance that one person could be murdered by the courts -- just the possibility (even the slightest) is enough for me to not agree with the death penalty.
One of the greatest moments was when during the Matthew Shephard sentencing, many people including the two boys grandma's stood up and please for their lives. Then Matthew's father stood up and said "I think these boys shouldn't get the death penalty, because Matthew wouldn't want it. I want them to everyday in jail remember when they look in the mirror that Matthew is the only reason they are alive and even though every Christmas and holiday will pass and we won't have our son. These boys will have to remember that even though they took Matthew from us, Matthew is the only reason they aren't dead."
I was really moved by this (btw that was a paraphrased quote the entire transcript is online) -- and I completely agreed with him. I do completely understand the pain, before I was born and when my mom was 19, her father was murdered. I lost an entire branch of my family tree in the death camp Dachau in WWII. My mother, father, many friends, and aquantinces are dead. I know the empty feeling. But it doesn't go away by killing others. At least not for me. - Rand
It's not the same thing. One is a crime and one is a punishment. Anything you can do to a criminal can be thought of as a crime itself. Arresting him is abduction; as is putting him in prison. Fines are extortion. Community service is slavery. It's no different. Your argument completely ties our hands. If it's wrong to arrest or imprison him (because those are crimes), then we can't do anything to criminals, ever. Obviously, that doesn't work.
This comment was almost 2 years ago, so sorry I had to reread all of this lol.
I didn't mean to say that it's illegal to arrest them. Or imprison them. I'm speaking directly *just* about putting them to death. The one thing that I did fail to add, was that I believe the judicial system in general is a mess, and it's something that needs to be worked on. But in the meantime putting people to death is not what I think is correct, not when so many have been put to death and we're innocent. We have people coming out of jail after decades, finding out they were innocent. It's not worth *another* loss of human life to me. That's just IMO. Because the OP asked.
One of the greatest moments was when during the Matthew Shephard sentencing, many people including the two boys grandma's stood up and please for their lives. Then Matthew's father stood up and said "I think these boys shouldn't get the death penalty, because Matthew wouldn't want it.
Actually he said that Matthew thought the death penalty was justified for certain crimes but he nonetheless felt it was time to "begin the healing process" and show mercy.
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Again I had to recheck what I wrote as it was a year or so... But you are correct, that is what he said. I said I paraphrased as I didn't copy the paste the transcript directly.
I've given this a great deal of thought over many years, and even though I'm a hard-core liberal, I can't think of a reason that the most heinous criminals shouldn't be executed. Charles Manson comes immediately to mind, along with others who murdered wantonly, without conscience or repentance, or were found guilty of murder-rape, murder-domestic violence or murder-child abuse.
That said, I have little faith that innocent people will not be executed via the U.S justice system. According to the Death Penalty Information Center (, 150 death row inmates have been exonerated since 1973. You have to wonder how many other innocent people weren't as fortunate.
So, I'll remain opposed to the death penalty until there's a way to make absolutely certain an innocent person isn't being executed.
That some innocent people have been put to death means that whatever lead to that conviction was faulty, as were all the numerous appeals. That is not an argument against the death penalty, IMO, in those cases where there is no dispute as to guilt. And there ARE cases where there is no dispute.
Agreed. There are some cases where the killer has provided the locations of bodies, bragged about what he did, sent letters to the victims' families gloating and taunting them. Obviously some of these killers are guilty; no doubt about it. It's a fallacy to argue we can't execute ever because some convicts may actually be innocent. Just execute the certainly guilty, and impose life sentences otherwise.
But have any innocent people been executed? Do you know of any specific cases?
I can certainly understand supporting the death penalty because it satifies our need for justice. The thing is, since it is applied so indiscriminately, it really isn't just. It is primarily given to poor people of color, plain and simple.
As an accountant by trade, I also think it's a tremendous waste of money. The appeals process and confinement on death row are far more expensive than a life sentence in the general prison population. In today's dollars, the cost of all of Ted Bundy's appeals was well over $2 million. To incarcerate him for life would have been less than half that amount. The death penalty simply doesn't make financial sense. If it's a deterrent, it's a pretty lousy one.