Perhaps younger females don't recall the cases portrayed in the movie, perhaps they just got out of their "Brittney phase" and don't like more complex films. Maybe some women just prefer romantic comedies. There is a myriad of possibilities. But speaking for myself as a woman well OVER 18, I love it.
I saw it as a little kid, well I was eleven or twelve at the time, and loved it. But then again I'm male. I guess I'm just in denial over women preferring sappy romance movies. I'm fortunate enough to know many exceptions, who love this movie in particular too, but exceptions confirm the rule I guess.
I saw this film when i was under 18 (think i first watched in at about 16 maybe) and loved it but i did do my final project on serial killers at college, so i may not really count. but do really love the film and did give me some good references to use!! got an A if anyone was woundering!lol Kate .x.
rach:what does the lilly mean? Luce: the lilly means i dare you to love me.
I saw this movie when I was 15, with two other girlfriends, we loved it. It's in my top 5, and made me want to be a psychiatrist/criminologist. I rate it 9/10....and yes I'm a chick =)
i saw this movie when i was 8 or 9 and i loved it then, love it now at 21! really creepy and great performances. i recommend zodiac too. there's lotsa girls out there that love suspense/horror! representin' LOL