Gorilla effects

I didn't see this topic covered yet (which is surprising) but I, for one, think the gorilla effects in this movie were fantastic. I actually applaud the effects crew for having the courage to use such an outdated effect (which doesn't look outdated in this movie, quite the opposite they perfected this effect) I know cgi back then wasn't used as much as it is today, but still they could have gone that route, but to actually have a realistic-looking gorilla standing in front of you, staring you down in real life, has to be much more effective then using a fake gorilla that isn't even there. I hope in the not-too-distant future filmmakers will once again pick this craft and perfect it even more.

Peace is not the absence of affliction, but the presence of God. ~Author Unknown


I agree. Good acting who ever they where, the monkeys that is.


CGI animals still look like a cartoon or video game, almost thirty years after this movie came out.
