MovieChat Forums > Congo (1995) Discussion > The myth of the killer ape is true!!

The myth of the killer ape is true!!

The myth of the killer ape is true!!!


Well, in a sense it IS true. You're dealing with a beast that is 400 plus pounds and much stronger than humans, despite our "common" bond genetically.

They can be very dangerous and can potentially kill a person just be sheer force of strength. Even those in captivity, you must be very careful when handling. I'm sure even Koko's handlers have to take every precaution.

That being said, I'd rather deal with a full grown King Kong sized gorilla than some humans ANY DAY!!!



Depends. Ants keep slaves and chimps have been known to stalk and kill smaller chimps. No to mention how male lions kill all male cubs when they take over a new pride.


Its odd that so few people know that Humans are part of the Ape family.
So yea, Killer apes. But other species of Ape kill each other too.
This was a strange movie.



i just want to clarify, guerrillas are not apes, they are men, sometimes women, who have guns, and fight for something they believe in, think che guevarra. GORLLAS, are the animals you were referring to.


lilgata_16.... Thank you for taking care of the gorilla/guerilla was bothering the hell outta me too lmfao!!


Oh, man...in1972, the summer Olympiad and the Israli hostages...the news kept talking about the "gorillas"...Planet of the Apes really *beep* me up!

**these go to eleven **


Not anymore :)

"How's the steak?" "It was poisoned (argh)...and a little rare" (collapses).


Yes it is.


All apes can kill, but the difference is their level of bloodthirst and sadism. Gorrillas will probably do one big kill, whereas chimps seem more brutal and sadistic.
