Why didn't they

let Cher have a sister, like Emma? In Jane Austen's novel, Emma has an older sister, who's married and has children.


Maybe that would have created too many characters...plus Emma's sister was married to Knightleys brother so it might have been a bit complicated for the audience with all the characters. It was good they left many out...e.g. Jane Fairfax and her family.

Come to think of it perhaps Dionne is a loose version of her sister considering she was the only one in a loving relationship, something Cher envied and wanted for herself in the end.


I always thought of Dionne and Murray as the Mr. and Mrs. Weston characters.


the focus would have taken away from cher. sometimes you don't need all of those people


Cher needed to be the apple of her father's eye.

Sincerely, jnorgle, the person that can't think of a better signature than this.
