MovieChat Forums > Circle of Friends (1995) Discussion > Question about the Pub scene and song

Question about the Pub scene and song

You know the scene in the movie where the gang is at a party in a pub and they are all singing ....does anyone know what that song is? It's right before Nan proceeds to seduce Jack and try to ruin everything with her scheming ways. :-) I love Irish drinking songs and they always tell such good stories.

Please let me know if you have the answer. Thanks!!


It's a bawdy pub song. (Recall that Jack warns Nan that the club parties can get "a bit rough.")

It's called, "The Old Monk." See link below.;ttOLDMONK.html

As with most old folk songs, there are variations with lyrics. The version in the film uses "shagged" in place of a more vulgar word. The film version also replaces "bugger" with bastard, and moves the old monk from old London town to old Dublin town. ;o) I've also heard it as "Old Belfast town" and "Old Glasgow town."

