any bonus features on the DVD?
does anyone own it?
shareI have it. The DVD includes the Videozone (Mine has just the behind the scenes part though), trailers for Castle Freak, Head of the Family, Hideous!, The Creeps, and Vampire Journals, and an interactive catalog advertising merchandise from Full Moon (Movies, action figures, soundtracks, etc.).
shareWhen I rented this a few years back it was the bonus the very very bad Death Bed movie.
shareI just "traded away" my Deathbed double feature DVD...that movie was just HORRIBLE & the Castle Freak bonus feature was pretty bare intention was to trade away my standalone Castle Freak DVD, but after the badness of Deathbed & the bare bones-ness of Castle Freak, I ended up trading the double feature instead.
Deathbed: 3/10
Trick R Treat: 7/10
Carver: 6/10
Amusement: 6.5/10
Dog Soldiers: 7/10
Echo Bridge Home Entertainment is set to release a new DVD of this film on November 9th as a double feature with The Pit and the Pendulum. Hope it'll have some bonus features, particularly a Stuart Gordon commentary. CPO/ref=sr_1_8?s=dvd&ie=UTF8&qid=1284994897&sr=1-8