unrated dvd

is the one on amazon.com the unrated version? cuz imdb says that the unrated version i 95 min long, but amazon has it listed as Rated R, but still 95 min long. if anyone can give me some info on that it would be greatly appreciated. thanks!


I read somewhere that the unrated version was only 15 seconds or so longer. Just what I read!


I bought it off Amazon and as far as I can remember it's the same as the uncut version. It says rated "R" on Amazon but nowhere on the DVD case does it give a rating.

"We all go a little mad sometimes. Haven't you?" - Norman Bates


I've got two versions of Castle Freak on DVD, which I both got cheaply.The first one I got was the Full Moon DVD which is fullscreen and uncut.The second one - the better one - is the UK 88 Films DVD which features a re-mastered, widescreen print of the uncut version.
