MovieChat Forums > Bushwhacked (1995) Discussion > different kids on cover

different kids on cover

if you own a copy of bushwhacked that features the front cover of Daniel Stern (a.k.a "Mad Max") swinging from a tree with a bear underneath him, have a closer look at the kids on the cover. I swear that the kids featuring on that front cover aren't the kids who acted in the movie. Milton Fishman had reddish hair in the movie yet the kid on the front cover has blonde hair and looks younger. It seems maybe only the fat kid (Barnhill) is the only guy on the front cover who featured in the film. Check it out more closely and tell me what you reckon.


i dont know personally i think your wrong i just watched the movie and then looked at the cover and i think they all look how they look in the movie



Actually, on the original VHS, the kids on the cover are indeed different than the ones in the movie. On later copies, the kids from the movie are on the cover.


I own this film on DVD, and I know you are incorrect.

The Fortune-Teller Extraordinaire


This is true, I have spotted this on at least one VHS cover. It was the back cover actually.

I know for sure the back cover has different kids, the front cover might not though.


yea i own a dvd copy so you could be right. i did however rent this movie while i was younger and then it was on vhs but that was too long ago and i was too young to remember.


i own both the dvd and the 1995 vhs and the children on the vhs cover are definately not the actors from the movie and they obviously photoshopped in the real actor's heads for the dvd release
