What's the difference between the PG-13 version and the PG version?
Anyone know?
shareI want an answer on this issue also.
The pg13 version contains an unsimulated 8 minute sex scene between Fishman and Max.
aaaaaaahhhhhhhccccccc wrong, he they said the first quote in the PG version
shareI assume the tv version is PG then?
But the back of my DVD version says PG,and its got the first quote,and it has the doll sex thingy.
"I'm taking a vacation,from my problems!"-Bob, from "What About Bob?"
Yeah, you guys aren't getting it.
Originally the movie was rated PG-13, then, before theatrical release the studio cut it down to get a PG rating. Everyone who saw it in theatres and on DVD saw the PG version.
On TV it's editted even further to comply with TV ratings.
But somewhere there exists an original uncut PG-13 version of the movie, what was in it and why it was cut will most likely remain a mystery.
"NILBOG is Goblin spelt backwards!"
im guessin by some chance there is no difference at all that nothin was cut they jus originally said it has 2 b pg-13 and then said well its not that bad lets jus say its pg allthough i dont know it seems might i might b wrong though cuz i think once they rate a movie it usually sticks
sharei was in a little vidoe store near my home town and they had a vhs of it and on the back it say it PG-13 i going to rent it and see the difference!
sharei'm surprised that they had a playboy magazine and someone demonstrating sex to a bunch of little kids in a pg movie. you'd think they would cut that out for a pg rating.
shareEveryone who saw it in theatres and on DVD saw the PG version.