What Happend to Tiger ???

When I was watching the movie I forgot they had a dog named Tiger until Miss Brady pointed it out and asked where he was so I was just wondering does anyone know??

I didn't see anyone talk about it on this board so I thought I would bring it to light.


as I recall, within the show, Jan was allergic to him, so they gave him away(?)

in real life, he may have died, I'm not sure


At the end of that episode it was reveiled that it was the flea powder she was allergic to, not tiger. So they didn't give him away.

He was dropped from the show without an explanation.

I THINK though he was supposedly still around, just unseen, b/c his doghouse stayed in the yard through the remainder of the show. And I think MAYBE he was mentioned once or twice.


The dog who played Tiger was killed by a car between seasons on the show. A replacement dog proved unworkable. The doghouse remained on set because one of the studio lights fell and burned a hole through the astroturf, and the doghouse covered up the burned spot...


Yeah the dog died.
