MovieChat Forums > The Brady Bunch Movie (1995) Discussion > The present in this movie is now the pas...

The present in this movie is now the past

I just saw this movie on TV for the first time since seeing it in the theater when it was released. The early 90's grunge style of the 'present' in this movie seems very old fashioned and dated now, just like the early 70's style of the Bradys. It was like two different cheesey fashions competing: one pessimistic, the other optimistic.





LOL I came here after seeing this movie thinking the exact same thing and I KNEW someone would comment on it.

And yes, it is ironic how a movie that went out of its way to show how out dated the 70s looks almost as outdated now!

THAT said though, of course, it does feel outdated because the movie was trying hard to show the differences. They went out of their way to emphasis the 'present', so in that sense its understandable. If they didnt emphasis the grundge stuff as much, it wouldnt look so outdated.


Interesting. I usually blow my friends minds with this about how we are getting older...There has been more time between Dazed and Confused release in 1993 than the time the movie portrayed in 1976.


Ha, I've made that same Dazed & Confused comparison!

But anyway, I'm sure when the movie was made it was taken into consideration that in 20 years, there would be the added charm of the 90's being the nostalgic past, just like the 70's were. And it works today when watching it. And also makes me miss high school.

Aren't you relieved to know you're not a golem?



The early 90's grunge style of the 'present' in this movie seems very old fashioned and dated now, just like the early 70's style of the Bradys. It was like two different cheesey fashions competing:

Are you trying to say Skinny Jeans aren't cheesy? The 70's Disco clothing era is back and it isn't pretty. Unless you are a stick figure people don't look good in skinny anything.

Why not just take off the pants and wear a shirt? And the ridiculous hooker gear trend going on? The shoes with 6 inch hideous wedge heels? You can't be serious. Let's not leave out the caked on make up. Even the guys are dressing like this, however, they look cute dressed as girls.

The Mall is frightening these days and not due to the crime.

mulder it's me


a disturbing trend now is the hipster look. hordes of weird-beards in stupid fedoras and skinny jeans (always black) and geek glasses descending on urban hot spots and hip destinations.

watch this space


Lol, true. Skinny jeans are in again now as they were in in the 80s but they're not classic in the sense that it wouldn't look nice 10-20 years from now. Big hair, neon colors and beards are another in style fashion that will not age well either. You notice many of the fashions back in the 20s-50s are ageless in that they still look good today? But starting from the 60s, fashion styles started to look limited to that era unless recycled temporarily again?


I love this about The Brady Bunch Movie, it is a great movie - was great at the time but now that the 90's is now "retro" it has added a new element.

To me the 70's is a mystical unknown era which fascinates me.... the 90's is something I lived through & remember like it was yesterday. It's a buzz to see it as "old fashioned" & like someone else said, it makes me miss it. :)

Attn All Units!


Isn't that true of almost all movies?



It's definitely dated and a product of its time...

1995, what a long time ago it was...

And when it comes time to remake the movie, will it be called "The Brady Bunch Movie Movie"? :-o

I almost long for that era, since that movie - crass or otherwise - is a lot more refreshing than half the garbage put out in today's media... sad...


Totally agree. :(

Attn All Units!


I guess I don't see what's so "dated" about it. Back then they had cell phones, computers and the internet just like today. Yeah, the computers and internet were slower and people actually talked on their cell phones instead of just texting on them but so what?

One thing that is different is that the music was WAY better back then compared to the crap they're putting out today.


I was a teenager in 1995 and most people didn't have the Internet back then. I lived in a wealthy area and we all had computers but I didn't get the Internet until 1997ish. That wasn't unusual. And not that many people had cell phones then either. The plans were ridiculously expensive. My mom had one but it was definitely not normal to see people walking around with phones. Beepers were popular though.

The music was 100x better than music today, agree.

That hexagon-face bitch, she's so passive-aggressive.

