Best performance?

I know the movie is slightly mediocre at best and kind of comes out of nowhere, but I still like some of the performances. My favorites are those of the adults, especially Lee Garlington and J.T. Walsh as Dolly and Harry Tucker. They were great as usual. I actually preferred watching the scenes with the adults (including Lois Chiles and George Segal) more than I preferred watching the scenes involving the babysitter and her friends. Does anyone else feel that way? Who do you think gave the best performance?


It has been a couple of years since I saw this film, but Lee Garlington sticks out in my mind from it. Lee Garlington is such a underrated gem and never gets her deserved recognition. But I also remember one scene towards the end with Lois Chiles finding out her son had been hit and killed by a car, and her performance in that scene was memorable.


Jeremy London rocks in this movie as Jack
