MovieChat Forums > The Babysitter (1995) Discussion > A cold hard look at the male libido

A cold hard look at the male libido

For a man I found this a rather difficult film to watch. In its depiction of male lust its uncompromising. Alicia Silverstone as the babysitter bcomes the object of the male gaze - the male at all ages -
- from the horny boy in his bedroom drooling over pin ups who then fantasises about going to have a peek at his babysitter in the bath
- to the two peeping toms outside her house who later almost get into a fight over her
- and finally to the scuzzy middle-aged sexually frustrated man who fantasise about getting her into his bed.
As a look at the male in all his "horny glory" it ain't pretty.
But I have to admit its rings true to my experience. What heterosexual male hasn't had fantasies like this?! I certainly have!
I'm not saying thats all there is to being a male but its one side of the male character to sure.
What lifts this film onto an even more interesting level is that the film makers haven't opted for the easy option - that is by making the babysitter a teaser or femme fatale. Thats how film makers usually like to ease the conscience of the male viewer. Something along the lines of "okay don't feel guilty if you lust after the babysitter because deep down shes really a little slut anyway!"
Instead the makers here have made her a genuinely decent ordinary girl who is completly unaware and innocent of all the raging male hormones she is unwittingly arousing.
All in all a very interesting and unsual film - and a moral lesson to all us males! [email protected]



Definitely, very well said.


Kudos to you OP, you put it very well.
I really did think of that too, especially the fact that yes, she was in no way a tease or 'asking' for all the attention. I actually felt really sorry for her. All she wanted to do was babysit! It would have angered me to no end to be treated that way by the men around me.


Hardly. Verbose and self-impressed. Exactly what I expect from the assholes at IMDb.


Agreed with everything you said. I saw this film late last night and found it creepily disturbing. lol.
great acting and well written script though.


I'm not quite understanding what is wrong about the various fantasies. Fantasizing, in and of itself, is not a sign that a person is immature.

The film's not good, but I'm not going to agree with the stated premise that for some reason male libido is bad.

Oh - and the notion that the teenaged girl is unaware of the responses she inspires is rather laughable.


>> Oh - and the notion that the teenaged girl is unaware of the responses she inspires is rather laughable. <<

I was a teenage girl. And no, they are not all sexually-aware minxes who are slinking around getting men hot on purpose. That's your problem and your justification.

"Love means never having to say you're ugly." - the Abominable Dr. Phibes


You should really read the story this is based on--it's even more focused on this idea and does a much better job with it, in my opinion.

Never settle with words what you can accomplish with a flamethrower.


As bad as this movie is it's probably the most realistic movie ever made. Beautiful teenage girls wether they realise it or not drive males of all ages crazy just like it's depicted here.

But what I find funny about the dream sequences with her in the bathtub is that shes in a towel. They should have got another actress who would have agreed to do nudity just for the fact that shes in a towel. These guys are in charge of their fantasies but they won't undress her? Yeah right.


A moral lesson to all us males? Really? Like you didn't know we are all hound dogs before you saw the movie? Like you expect anyone to change after seeing the movie?

Sorry, but while what you say is true, it isn't an insight that no one has ever had before. I can't believe the "well said" responses. That's like praising someone for pointing out that the sun rises in the east.


lots of male hypocrites on this post( unless they're homosexuals ).


The male libido, and the female libido, are why we're all here.


How much do we see of Alicia Silverstone?
