The 10 Worst Best Picture Nominees of the Last 25 Years
Babe is on the list, check out the link he-last-25-years
Babe is on the list, check out the link he-last-25-years
Babe definitely deserved its nomination because, like Miracle on 34th Street (1947), it's a deep movie about adults and faith that's cleverly disguised as a cute family film. It avoids being overly earnest, preachy, and
pretentious, like so many "Oscar bait" movies (some of which are on this list).
I'm not crying, you fool, I'm laughing!
Completely agree. "Babe" is a special film and credit to the Academy for recognizing it as such.
Meh. With the exception of Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, I don't really think the other films are bad. In fact, I'm quote fond of films such as Babe and The Hours.
shareEnglish Patient
The Hurt Locker