How in the name of all that is good and holy, did this masterpiece get rated a 6.8?! "Babe" is a gem of a film; the story is original and beautifully adapted from its source material. The acting (both the physcial and voices) is wonderful, the effects are fantastic. It's heartfelt, charming and funny. It's light, with moments of darkness, and is humble, incredibly charming and very genuine. What a brilliant film. The rating system on here baffles me. 10/10.
p.s. Like I said above, I'm aware that "Babe" is based on Dick King-Smith's children's book, "The Sheep Pig." What I meant was that the story King-Smith wrote is original and clever in itself. Noonan and Miller took that story, and refined it, turning it into something wonderful.
I fell in love with him the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once.