MovieChat Forums > Assassins (1995) Discussion > What does banderas say in the copcar?

What does banderas say in the copcar?

Let me start off by saying I whole heardetly agree with one of the other posts here banderas carried this movie. Altough I think stallone was just a little bit less horrible here then he ussually is. So in other words the two main characters are not bad at all. Anyways there is two times when banderas speaks spanish (at least I take it it's spanish) in the movie and I was wondering you know what he said.

One time in the back of the cop car. Then the second time on the graveyard during the day of the dead. If anybody could help me I'd appriciate it.

i believe that sex is the most beautiful, natural, wholesome things that money can buy-steve martin


no he did'nt carry this movie you need to go buy a clue if you can


Yeah yeah yeah I need to go buy a clue. And you need to go buy a real store bought life not the one your mommy made you.

So were even I guess.

Now then if you haven't got anything constructive to say or anything that helps me with my original question. I suggest you open up your own post on how wonderfull mr. stallone was. or how bad banderas was whatever you want. But leave my thread alone.

thank you

i believe that sex is the most beautiful, natural, wholesome things that money can buy-steve martin




Hi, I'm Spaniard, so I'm gonna try to help you:
In the cop car he said: "Cuidado con las armas que las carga el diablo" that means "Be careful with weapons because the devil loads them".

In the graveyard when he's buying beer, the women ask him if he talks spanish. Banderas answers: "Perfectamente, cariño" ("Perfectly, honey").

And finally, when he pissed into the bottle, curses Stallone saying something like *beep* hell!!" Literal translation could be: "I *beep* in his dead people" ("Me cago en sus muertos").

I hope I have helped you!

You only see what your eyes want to see


what swear is the beep suppose to be? I can't figure it out...

" I don't want my freedom. There's no reason for living with a broken heart.. "


"be careful with guns, they are the tool of the devil"


Awesome quote.

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit me!"- Hudson in Aliens.

