The lineman are the QBs BEST friend in college, high school, NFL, etc.
As good of a lineman as Angus was, he'd be getting invited to ALL the parties, broken noses as a kid or not.
Angus would be getting laid 24/7. I played high school football, I knew college football QBs and lineman, and I clearly see NFL lineman/QB relationships in press conferences.
But it's flaws like these that spoil what could have been a really great film. What the OP says is completely correct--Angus would have been in Rick's circle of friends simply for being a jock. Or if not friends, at least Rick wouldn't have picked on him so much, since he was more aware than anybody else that Angus was capable of hurting him, having broken his nose so many times in the past. At any rate, making Angus one of the jocks precludes him from being "pathetic" by the standards of the school. Maybe the filmmakers could have made him a comic book geek instead--that would have added meaning to the "Superman" reference.
Another problem is that the film doesn't spend much time with the character of Melanie until the end of the film. Then she gets to pour her heart to Angus, with whom she's had absolutely no interaction before. Also, if Troy is so smart, couldn't he have thought of something else to hand over to Angus' enemies than the one thing Angus didn't want them to see? The preaching at the dance was much rather corny, too. Would the other kids really have broken into applause?
Because you are completely off about this. I was best friends with a fat kid (he had a lisp too). He became a football player in high school and was only accepted as a team player. He was NOT invited to parties outside of football and even then it was begrudgingly. The other players treated him like crap.
This movie is glorious in EVERY way (cinematic aspects, the story, the acting, all perfection). It may be a fantasy, but if you were bullied in high school, this is as real as it gets.
You other posters must not remember what it was like to be bullied. Or.....perhaps you were the bully?
The Principal referred to him as the best tackle on the JV team, so I'm guessing he was a starter.
I think in general that the OP is right (especially about the linemen being the QB's best friends), but I also realize that when it comes to bullying, there are no givens or set rules about who does and doesn't get bullied- and who does the bullying.
Ultimately I still find the movie very enjoyable, and let's face it if I disliked a high school movie for being too unrealistic chances are I wouldn't be able to find any high school movies to watch.
Wrong! I played high school football and every other sport and the linemen on my team (which was the biggest line in our district definitely did not hang out in our circle) Most of them were actually more like the Angus character and were smart kids that were more interested in hanging with each other then the popular group. We did have a big left tackle that got a scholarship to play at OU and we let him be the door man and some of my parties.
Not always. Just because one is a jock is not going to automatically make one the most popular kid in school. Doesn't mean one can't still experience bullying.
Right. You're just supporting my point, which is that every kid's high school experience is different, regardless of your social standing. Melissa's reveal of having eating disorder whilst being the popular girl only drives that notion even further. You can't view the characters in the film and say "well that's not how it went down in my school! This movie is BS!" which -- not the put words in your mouth or on your keyboard -- is the way the original post comes across.
"The lineman are the QBs BEST friend in college, high school, NFL, etc.
As good of a lineman as Angus was, he'd be getting invited to ALL the parties, broken noses as a kid or not.
Angus would be getting laid 24/7. I played high school football, I knew college football QBs and lineman, and I clearly see NFL lineman/QB relationships in press conferences. "
Oh come on the OP is at least partially correct. Yes high school linemen are jocks in their own right. They may not be prom-king status but they sure as hell are not bullied either. If the QB doesn't get along with one of the linemen then worst-case scenario is he will ignore him, maybe talk a little trash behind his back, maybe be a little rude towards him, but certainly not to the lengths that Rick went to to bully/torture/embarrass Angus. More often than not they will be at least civil towards each other because of their common ground in playing football.
But OP has a point about QBs not treating their OL like garbage. It's why team "chemistry" is such a big deal. Football's a team game. One can easily undermine teammates & make them look bad by intentionally blowing assignments. Especially an OL whose job is to protect the QB.
So Angus could have stood up for himself. Why didn't he?
The story was that he didn't want to jeopardize his academic situation by getting into a fight. OK. The passive-aggressive method I described above was at least worth a shot. I appreciate the care that went into this movie. I just wish they had made Angus a little easier to root for.