Any chance of Am Pres 2?
Dear Rob and Aaron, I love this movie soooo much! I'd give a lot to see a follow up (granted, too much time has passed to cast the same girl as Lucy Shepard, but I'm sure you can work around that). Imagine, a White House wedding with Michael Douglas and Ms. Bening, Hollywood style, and since right now we have a true nitwit in the White House, where better than Hollywood to get what America truly needs right now, the brilliant direction and writing of you two and the near-certain patriotic shot-in-the-arm a movie like this could give us (all of us John Q. Publics) given your BRILLIANCE! We were left at the end of The American President hoping for a wedding, hoping for a crime bill that made sense, hoping for real help for the environment. I realize some time has passed, but I'd give a lot to see an American President 2. Besides, Lord knows, far lesser films have had sequels... please consider my plea! Thoughts from anyone else?