Professional 'Movie Reactors' being full of WOOSH makes no sense
I don't get it.
You become a lawyer, you study acts, statutes and codes (because law you really don't have to study, believe or not, only the legal system is complicated, law is simple). You study them HARD. You can't become PROFESSIONAL until you know your PROFESSION. You have to prove it, you have to take tests, you have to actually KNOW your stuff.
You become a professional writer, you are supposed to be able to actually know the alphabet, be able to use a keyboard, not to mention the grammar of the language you plan to write in.
To become any kind of professional, you have to know the profession and everything you will be reasonably EXPECTED to know about it.
But to be a 'professional movie reactor' in youtube (I can't bring myself to capitalize that name), you apparently don't have to know anything. You don't need to know movies, you don't need the MOST BASIC knowledge of movie tropes, past trends, references, etc.
This movie begins with a couple of very easy, common references, and these accursed youtuber airheads of these new generations just WOOSH all over the place. Cliffhanger-reference? Nothing. William Shatner's amazing, but funny performance in a classic Twilight Zone-episode (that has, I thought, been parodied to death so much that everyone definitely knows it)..
..confusion. 'What, hehehe?'.
How do you become a 'professional movie watcher' without knowing ANYTHING about very famous movies and TV shows and actor performances? How do you watch comedy movies that are full of references to CLASSIC movie and TV moments, and NOT RECOGNIZE THOSE MOMENTS?
I mean, I get it, some seventies obscure coffee commercial might be a bit difficult to know about when the woman says 'Jim never has a second cup at home' (paraphrasing), and then funnily continues that insane commercial-style train of thought with 'Jim never vomits at home' - these things are mostly funny exactly because the coffee commercials were so blatant and in-your-face about it, and parodying them by keeping the same thinking but switching the topic exposes that so brilliantly.
But how the F do you know that Twilight Zone-reference, when it has been parodied SO MUCH?
How the HECK do you not know the Cliffhanger-reference, when the idea of a tiny raccoon falling the same way a human would is SO STUPID otherwise? (He could SO easily just toss that raccoon on his back or whatever, because a raccoon is LIGHTWEIGHT compared to a human, so even one hand is enough, and a raccoon CAN'T slip that way out of your grip, because THEY ARE NOT HEAVY ENOUGH!)...
I have absolutely NO HOPE for this planet, but every time these generations exhibit their ignorance and stupidity in a profession where they should ABSOLUTELY know about that stuff, just makes me sink deeper into despair. The same couple already showed how ignorant they are earlier, when they thought the thug recognized Robocop 'because he saw his lips' (foreheadslap), and NOT because of the PHRASE they alredy forgot he said (facepalm for modern generations' attention spans ruining classic movies!).
'Star Wars has cool dino effects for 1977!', 'What was that camera zoom breaking the window in Men in Tights all about?', 'Why did a spear hit the wall in Airplane!?'... yeah, just FORGET the earlier scenes COMPLETELY and don't remember that they were JUST being chased by indians in the back projection seen through the car!
I realize that 'reactors' have to be able to 'react', so if they see every movie before they watch those movies in youtube, their reaction is either fake or they can't do the stuff they do.
However, couldn't they at least research the movie, its references, etc. AFTER watching and reacting to it, and at least add some text or some kind of bit where they realize how ignorant they were, instead of just leaving it 'as is'? Couldn't they at least watch some of the classic, most referenced movies and TV moments in history, so when some movie makes a joke about them, THEY WOULD ACTUALLY GET IT?
I mean, what kind of REACTION can it be, if they NEVER GET THE JOKES?
If they never know what the movie references, they can never truly understand the humor or joke, and their reaction will be LOUSY, because then it's just 'confused laughter' at best, not a true moment of shining brilliance when they realize what's being parodied, and understand how well the movie was written.
They laugh at things AS IF those things are just 'random craziness', only because they are IGNORANT of what the joke actually references. It can be a well-structured, intelligent joke, and these morons can't APPRECIATE its depth AT ALL, because all they see is the surface!
Sure, not everyone can always get everything, but couldn't these modern 'youtube reactors' AT LEAST do some kind of homework, at least understand SOMETHING? Right now it's almost 100% ignorance, and they probably think of themselves very intelligent.
Also, HOW do you watch this many movies, and not get almost ANY references?