MovieChat Forums > Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls (1995) Discussion > Was actually a lot more funny 15 years l...

Was actually a lot more funny 15 years later.

When I first saw this movie when I was 15 years old (year it came out), I actually didn't like the movie that much at all. I loved the first one a ton, and thought part 2 was pretty damn week.

BUT, I had 2 hours to burn today, and turned on my Xbox 360, started up netflix, and watched Ace Ventura 2.

Loved it! Now that I am a lot older I got the humor a lot more then I did when I was 15 years old. Still not as good as the original, but had some really good scenes. I would have loved to have seen a 3rd movie. Oh well.


Yeah, I was 5 when I saw it and thought it was good but seeing it today at 19, I think it's actually pretty good.

"If he truly loved her he'd let her hit the pavement."-The Big Bang Theory


So pretty good is better than good now?



Watching it right now (on MTV of all channels) and I agree; ALOT funnier watching for the second time. I forgot how silly the story was and the extent of Carrey's over the top performance. I believe the term is "reckless abandon".


I hated it. A number of things bothered me (besides the fact that it was not very funny):

- the black tribes worshipped a white bat
- the black virgin sought sex with the white Ace Ventura
- the white Brits manipulated the black tribesmen
- the sole black figure in "official" power, the game warden, sold out to the white Brits

Contrast this to the scenes with the Tibetan monks, who handled themselves with dignity and strove to rid themselves of Ace, even to the point of giving up the valuable medallion. Also, the monks were shown as having a "higher purpose," while the tribes simply worshipped a bat that had a name that sounded like another word for feces. This apparent belittling of the tribesmen bothered me. I'm not Mr. PC, but it seemed so ... needless.


I had the same reaction as Swill (minus the implied racism). Liked it well enough as kid, saw it again recently, and couldn't believe how terrible it was. Just such a terribly made movie on so many levels... but beyond that, like you said, it just wasn't that funny.

No genre is more subjective than comedy, but it just struck me as odd how much I dislike this movie now, compared to when I was a kid. But hey, it's obviously meant for kids, so it's hard to knock it for that...

"Andrew, we can't possibly be dead. We have cable." - Nothing


You guys are reading way too much into the story. It's a 'popcorn' comedy, so to speak. But I guess there are always haters...

And yeah I remember it being funny years ago, but just watched in the last few days... holy crap I couldn't stop laughing. I'm 25!


Swill Merchant,

"You've got to be kidding me" comes to mind when I read your comment, if you see all these things than by definition it must mean you're racist yourself.
Constantly searching for racism in everything is what keeps racism alive, please drop it, lighten up, just take this movie for what it is, a comedy.


You cannot ignore the political and social implications of any work of art. Searching for racism is not the same thing as finding it when it's blatantly being propagated in a white messiah fable. Of all the varieties of irritating comment out there, the absolute most annoying has to be Why can't you just watch the movie for what it is??? Why can't you just enjoy it? Why do you have to analyze it???

First of all, when we analyze art, when we look for deeper meaning in it, we are enjoying it for what it is. Because that is one of the things about art, be it highbrow, lowbrow, mainstream, or avant-garde: Some sort of thought went into its making -- even if the thought was, "I'm going to do this as thoughtlessly as possible"! And as a result, some sort of thought can be gotten from its reception. So when you go out of your way to suggest that people should be thinking less -- that not using one's capacity for reason is an admirable position to take, and one that should be actively advocated -- you are not saying anything particularly intelligent. And unless you live on a parallel version of Earth where too many people are thinking too deeply and critically about the world around them and what's going on in their own heads, you're not helping anything; on the contrary, you're acting as an advocate for entropy.

Secondly, your suggestion that one should simply ignore racism despite the many subtle and not-so-subtle forms in which it exists is socially irresponsible and demonstrates that you are either careless or that you know very little about the world in which you live.


Wow, lorrie44 is right, people who obsess about race are almost always racists themselves. Get a life dude.

"I hated it. A number of things bothered me (besides the fact that it was not very funny):

- the black tribes worshipped a white bat"

The bat was white because it was supposed to be rare. Most bats are black or brown, so white is logical. Would you have preferred an orange bat?

"- the black virgin sought sex with the white Ace Ventura"

So what? Why is it "racist" to be attracted to another ethnicity, especially one that would be exotic (Ace, from the princess's point of view). Biologically, we are most attracted to people who are most genetically different than us, so that our offspring will have a healthy variety of genes.

"- the white Brits manipulated the black tribesmen
- the sole black figure in "official" power, the game warden, sold out to the white Brits"

Yes, and these characters were the VILLIANS of the film. There actions were not being condoned.

"Contrast this to the scenes with the Tibetan monks, who handled themselves with dignity and strove to rid themselves of Ace, even to the point of giving up the valuable medallion. Also, the monks were shown as having a "higher purpose," while the tribes simply worshipped a bat that had a name that sounded like another word for feces. This apparent belittling of the tribesmen bothered me. I'm not Mr. PC, but it seemed so ... needless."

This is so inane that I'm not even ganna waste anymore time. Just get that chip off your shoulder. You'll be much happier.


Good post.




Was actually a lot more funny 15 years later

You went forward in time and saw it in 2010?

"We Came to Vegas Looking for Strippers and Cocaine"


I remember seeing it as a kid in the theatre (man, what I wouldn't pay to see it in the cinema now) and all I rememberd was the monastery scene, and Ace getting owned at the african tribe fight, where I also remember him shaping his hair to resemble bull horns and then moving like a bull.

Can't say I appreciated how funny the film is.
