Wow, lorrie44 is right, people who obsess about race are almost always racists themselves. Get a life dude.
"I hated it. A number of things bothered me (besides the fact that it was not very funny):
- the black tribes worshipped a white bat"
The bat was white because it was supposed to be rare. Most bats are black or brown, so white is logical. Would you have preferred an orange bat?
"- the black virgin sought sex with the white Ace Ventura"
So what? Why is it "racist" to be attracted to another ethnicity, especially one that would be exotic (Ace, from the princess's point of view). Biologically, we are most attracted to people who are most genetically different than us, so that our offspring will have a healthy variety of genes.
"- the white Brits manipulated the black tribesmen
- the sole black figure in "official" power, the game warden, sold out to the white Brits"
Yes, and these characters were the VILLIANS of the film. There actions were not being condoned.
"Contrast this to the scenes with the Tibetan monks, who handled themselves with dignity and strove to rid themselves of Ace, even to the point of giving up the valuable medallion. Also, the monks were shown as having a "higher purpose," while the tribes simply worshipped a bat that had a name that sounded like another word for feces. This apparent belittling of the tribesmen bothered me. I'm not Mr. PC, but it seemed so ... needless."
This is so inane that I'm not even ganna waste anymore time. Just get that chip off your shoulder. You'll be much happier.