Fresh start

January 25, 2021 Monday 6:05 PM ET

Hey everyone,

I'm currently in the middle of watching the 1st season of the series in a long time. Here's what I've gathered so far. Xena is coming to the realization that change is a process, one which takes time in order for it to be meaningful. At first, she mistakenly thinks that simply making a difference in her behavior would lead to self-satisfaction and contentment.

She learns that happiness is accepting to live with herself, yes, but something was still missing. That was how she was living her life. By genuinely helping others she found actual fulfillment where her actions and beliefs are mutually intertwined together.

Through her traveling companion Gabriel, whom she sees a lot of her [Xena] own younger self in, allows her to come to terms with the faults and personal follies she was responsible for in an effort to do the hardest thing anyone can, and should, do for themselves and towards others - forgiveness.



Wow, you got a lot more out of it than I was able to. All I learned about Xena was:



January 26, 2021 Tuesday 1:25 PM ET


"Yes, she had her kicks."

- Sir Sean Connery as James Bond (From Russia with Love, 1963)

I think we can both agree her battle cry is a cool middle eastern custom.



One of the things that stood out to me in the first Xena episode was the fact that her mother and her home village rejected her. I guess for her acts in saving them, which also resulted in people being killed. So Xena's whole thing was about redeeming herself, I thought.

Did you watch the whole series? I don't want to spoil anything for you.


January 26, 2021 Tuesday 1:30 PM ET

I can still vividly recall the main overview of the show from beginning to end, so by all means share away. It's interesting revisiting a favorite understanding a lot of the details in advance. Background minutiae comes much more into focus; kind of like a detective looking through a magnified glass. I appreciate you asking.

To be fair about the villagers, their anger towards Xena was appropriate. They needed to express how they felt about her (to her) so that they could confront the pain she had caused them in the past. It is said that those who are hurt are likely to hurt others. Had the villagers held their peace after what she did to them it would not have necessarily been "good".

Not all instances of expressing patience, quietness, respect, and an even temper is understanding what real love is. Because Xena recognized this, she was willing to accept any deserved animosity towards her, taking personal responsibility. Once her profound change had been demonstrated, feelings of fear gave way to feelings of love, true love.

Shout out to Mr. Rogers' insight for the above.

