They were just two women who bathed together, talked about being soul mates, kissed each other, embraced, passionately a lot, expressed their devotion to each other at multiple times.
and they did sexy dances with each other, and took baths together. Oh, but it must be sisterly. As if Gabrielle ever did any of that with her sister. Yeah me neither with my sister. Oh they're bffs. Yeah, with benefits! So people posting that excuse must be doing that with their bffs? Yeah, that's what I thought. Oh they're spiritual soulmates: code for: they're lovers but I want to remain denial because I don't want to admit that one of my favorite shows starred bi characters. Oh my, the lengths people go to. ξ¦
2 - Robert Tapert and Liz Friedman planned subtext from the very beginning. Hence, that is why fans made them out to be gay/bi: because Rob and Liz made them out to be gay/bi.
Oh my, you're just another pathetic fanboy/girl/whatever you identify yourself as making up shit. No, there was NO subtext from the beginning. Fanservice only slowly crept into the show because of morons like you.
By Season 6, it was clear that the show (as in the fictional universe that sort of breaks the fourth wall) was fully aware of its gay fanbase and played with that.
They were fully aware of their gay fanbase long before season six.
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Please rewatch The Quest and tell me that's how two straight girls kiss each other.
Also note that the actual liplock had to cut away to Gabrielle kissing Auto, they had to purposely avoid showing Gabrielle and Xena actually kissing because it was 1996. If there was nothing queer about their relationship why would they have to censor themselves?
If you can watch that scene and say with a straight (lol) face that they those two girls were straight, denial aint just a river in egypt.
I thought that part with Xena inside Autolycus' body and the kiss with Gabrielle was not lesbian just a way to get back into Autolycus body - through the kiss. I have never seen any real solid evidence to prove that Xena and Gabrielle were lesbian lovers. When we talk about hints or innuendo that's always just open to interpretation. The other scenes between Xena and Gabby locking lips was only due to mouth to mouth resuscitation CPR when either one of them was on the brink of death. Bottom line it is open to interpretation. Xena and Gabby were written as straight characters, strong independent kick ass women who share a warrior lifestyle and deep friendship. 2 straight guys and 2 straight girls can be close friends that would die for each other without it having anything to do with sex. don't know what you're what talking about then? Because Xena was already in Auto's body when the kiss happened. It had nothing to do with "getting into Auto's body" your homophobic denial is really reaching.
I think it's based on superficial things like watching them take baths together which is ridiculous because in those days there were such things as communal baths and women all bathed together. You see women in a sauna together that doesn't make them all lesbian. The same thing goes with men in saunas not all men in saunas are gay.
I never saw them as being lesbian. They were feminists. This show was about female empower ment girl power which was a huge theme in the 90's (Buffy the Vampire Slayer Ally Mcbeal etc) a strong independent kick ass woman doesn't have to be gay.
I soooo agree with you FloatingOpera7. People too often tend to overanalise things and these days, even sexualise everything they come across.
And Xen11 makes my point even clearer.
For me, it was never about lesbianism or sexuality. It was about love and the greater good. It was about taking a chance to adventure and push yourself to the limits, becoming something more than you were told you could be.
They always seemed bisexual to me. When I first watched it seemed to pick up in season 2 that there was something going on. Years later after re-watching I noticed a lot of subtext in in season 1. I guess I was too young the first time to realize. Years later I was more capable of going beyond appearances and picking up the true nature of what was really going on. There were all kinds of hints.
All of that was just fan service for nerdy, obese guys like you living in their mother's basement. They were very obviously not gay, even the actresses didn't think they were.
LOL and? you clearly dont know more. because you are saying one of the dumbest things ive ever heard.
she even says she wasnt fully sure UNTIL the last episode. she didnt decide after. thats like Dumbledore admitting he was gay in the final film. and saying "well he wasnt gay until then! only once he said it he became gay!"
YOUR OWN article even says had she known about how it ended she would have said the character was gay the whole time. LOL. your own article disproves you. I love when people do that
Akemi was Xena's first love, her coming out relationship," Lawless says. "She was the one who turned her on to her true sexuality. I don't know what she (Xena) was doing with all those guys in the first season."
When Xena introduces Gabrielle as her soul mate to Akemi in the final episode, Lawless says it almost made her feel like she had lied about the nature of her characters' relationship while doing numerous press interviews throughout those years. "People would ask me and I would hedge because she's had all those boyfriends and I would say "I don't know, whatever they do in their own time is nobody's business," Lawless explains. "Had I known about Akemi before the last episode of the sixth season, I would have gone "Yeah, I think she is. I absolutely think she is." But not until then would I say that.
So if Xena was a lesbian all along, why the teasing between her and Gabrielle? Why didn't the writers and the producer, Lawless' husband, Rob Tapert, allow us to revel in the glory of two larger than life, lesbian mythic heroines? Or perhaps the lesbian subtext was exactly what was needed. Perhaps the friendship and the devotion between Xena and Gabrielle didn't need any further explanation. Perhaps those characters showed that there is much more to lesbian love that just sex.
so again, it wasnt just made up fan fiction. thanks for posting a link that supported my arguement.
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"YOUR OWN article even says had she known about how it ended she would have said the character was gay the whole time."
It says that she would not have said she was gay until that last episode. She did not know what her sexuality was, so she didn't think she was gay either. It's the last episode that made her think she was gay.
"thats like Dumbledore admitting he was gay in the final film. and saying "well he wasnt gay until then! only once he said it he became gay!""
Wow, that's the dumbest comparison ever. π What a character literally says in a movie/tv show is completely different than what the actor portraying the character thinks.
"thanks for posting a link that supported my arguement."
Lol no, that's not how it works. Something does not support your argument just because you say so.