Downer Ending for Everyone

[i]Has anyone else notice how Xena ultimately has a downer ending for everyone?

- The ancient pantheons that have built different human civilizations are all ultimately doomed and whether their replacement is better is questionable at best.

- The nonhuman races such as Centaurs and and Satyrs are doomed to extinction.

- The Amazons are all likely going to be eventually wiped out by Rome setting women's rights back till modern day.

- Ares is free to continue manipulating humanity with only Aphrodite and maybe a mortal Hercules to keep him in check.

- Pretty much every major supporting character came to a negative end. Joxer was murdered and his family left without him. Cycne, Xena's mother, was burned as a witch. Hercules had to kill his own father. A number of other supporting characters came to sad ends.

- And then there are Xena and Gabrielle. It is questionable if Xena ever found the redemption she sought and had to remain dead to give souls peace. Gabrielle is left wondering the world without her best friend and everyone she knew before pretty much dead.

Kind of a bummer ending all around isn't it?



Well, that's called drama :) with a hint of a tragedy, by the way very common to Greek mythology.

P.S. Still Shonda is Nr.1 killer (Grey's Anatomy).



humanity won't be ruled by Rome

Maybe I missed something, but I thought Rome was still around trying to build an empire in the last season. All Xena did was get rid of Caesar.

Hercules is immortal keeping ares in check.

Except as far as I know the modern Hercules still only has the same powers as the one in ancient Greece. The world is radically different so you can't just beat up someone to overthrow a king or claim "Ares is behind it." Add on that Ares can teleport among other powers and it is not so simple.

Animals go extinct but humanity will learn to appreciate and protect endangered species eventually.

Centaur and satyrs are not animals. They are as intelligent as humans yet still destined for extinction...probably at humanity's hands.



Rome was lead by a better leader because deader was a dictator who would've ruled with an iron fist.

Who is "deader?" I don't watch the sixth season much, but the last ruler I remember was Caligula and Xena killing him. So the dictators are not all gone.

Also Hercules showed that he managed to survive until modern times. He faces gods, barbarians, kings and even xena herself. He doesn't need it. Also ares is sealed in modern times and as it was shown in yea virgins there is a hercules that he was still a thorn in here's side but that's it.

A thorn, an irritation, not a major impediment. For every one warlord Hercules or Xena got rid of there were another two ready to take their place. For every plot they stopped he had several others going. That is the advantage of being able to teleport among other things. We know Ares eventually escapes to continue to plague humanity and Hercules is limited what he can do about it.

The hind were like humans but had animal features and just like the bald egael or doodo bird they were almost hunted to extinction (the diodo bird) today we see the significance. We changed and learned from the past.

I am not following what are saying. I was talking about the Centaurs and Satyrs, two races not destroyed by the gods. The Dodo Bird (which was hunted to extinction) is considered an animal. The Centaurs and Satyrs not animals despite having animal characteristics. They were as intelligent as humans. Since they do not exist in modern times (within the show) and given the racism and constant warfare against them it is reasonable to think humans exterminated to sentient races.



Who is Dena?

