Actually, it should work this way round: Considering that there were a full five seasons, spanning 100 episodes, this is considerable proof of its popularity. Many TV shows do not last that long. Plus you could put leggy Nikki Cox on the box covers. Coming down the stairs. Ah, I can see them now.
The problem is that it happened 22 years ago.
You could have a really dorky show now, it is NEW, it gets the green light and it goes straight to DVD, the fans who did watch it, laps it up, it is out there and available because it is seen as less of a risk. The execs figure the original fanbase of an older show are doddering old-timers by now, who are too decrepit to go out and buy the product from yesteryear.
I am being sarcastic, but it is more or less the truth.
I agree with every one of the words in your heartfelt plea. I am also, like you, a fan of this show. I am also an ardent fan of Nikki Cox. And Mr. Floppy is my hero.
I weep with you, my friend.
{the other Ron Leavitt creation, MARRIED WITH CHILDREN, is fully available, apparently sold well}