Agreed. I remember when this show originally aired. I was out of high school, and, working nights at a photolab. So, I missed the "Last Chance" episode when it originally aired. I just recently caught it. WOW!!! I don't think I have ever seen an ending that good on television ever. And, the Lighting Crashes by Live just added to the intensity. I don't think Strange Luck was given too much of a chance. As, I remember it being switched time wise. I would love to see this show either
A. put on Dvd.
B. somehow brought back to its original form, and glory.
C. Someone in putting out a show that is similar to this one.
Honestly though. I think this show is in a catagory all of its own. And, like with John Doe, and so many other brilliant shows that Fox swung that axe and let fall. This show will have to live on through the internet, until the corporate suits realize what kinda of fan base they have for this stuff. Then, release it on DVD. Keep your fingers crossed.