I can't believe they tried to replace this show w/ Spider-Man Unlimited
After reliving the nostalgia of watching the 90's show on Netflix, I decided to try and give Unlimited a chance, out of curiosity. I remember seeing one or two episodes when it aired, finding it horrible, and never thought about it again until now.
And I can't believe they thought this was good.
It's essentially Spider-Man in name only, as none of the characters, even Spidey himself, act like the characters we all know and love. What the hell were they thinking?
ok, I'll address what little I liked first:
-the look and animation of the show is decent
-I liked Spider-Man's costume, except for that stupid "web-cape" and the fact that he could turn it on and off
-Spidey's voice was pretty good, but he's no Christopher Daniel Barnes
-I liked Venom's overall design and look
and that's about it.
now the bad!:
-alter-earth where highly evolved animals run the planet. Is this Ninja Turtles?!
-highly un-creative names for said highly evolved animals, like Sir Ram. Captain Tiger. I think those are the only two they named, but there was Bear and Rat lady too. Seriously?
-said evolved animals are lead by a human sorcerer with telekinetic powers. So we have animals who hate humans, but are lead by one? It's never explained
-Venom and Carnage are buddies
-while I liked Spidey's voice actor, there are several episodes where he shows NO emotion whatsoever. He says he misses MaryJane and Aunt May, but you never actually get that impression.
-alter-earth Electro is an evolved electric eel. AN ELECTRIC EEL! CMON!
-the show was all about the rebels, not Spider-Man
it was interesting seeing the different takes on classic villains like Green Goblin, Vulture, and Kraven (the only episode I can say I actually liked was the Kraven one), but at the same time, why not just create a brand new IP?
the most ironic thing of all though, is the very last episode.
Venom and Carnage unleash the "Synoptic" which ends up being a giant fungus with poisonous spores. It ends on a cliffhanger. But you can pretty much take this as everybody died. How fitting! lol
It was rough getting through all the episodes and I never care to do it again. I need to rewatch the 90's series again or Spectacular to get the bad taste of this show out of my mouth.
What were they thinking?!