Venom's highlights

Did anyone else think Venom's design was. . .weird? The biggest problem I had was those red highlights. They just don't gel well on him and they are distracting. Any ideas why the producers decided to color him like that? Was it perhaps meant to serve as a future reference to Carnage?


Yeah I thought his design was weird too. I didn't like the lips that they drew on him and they drew his eyes wrong. They fully white. Not having a snake like pupil in the middle


I don't remember the red highlights you are talking about.

"Time to die! Like a man!" Venom Spider-Man Web of Shadows


"I don't remember the red highlights you are talking about."

Look here, then click on any image.


I just noticed the red highlights the last time I saw it. It is pretty weird that they're there.

"Time to die! Like a man!" Venom Spider-Man Web of Shadows


My understanding was that it was supposed to give a reflective wet look, because the suit was supposed to be like a living liquid tar.

It is funny, because I remember an interview with John Semper when they were talking about the color palette and he wanted Nick Fury's character in Day of the Chameleon to have a white/grey hair on his temples and was told that it was either the temples or the reflective colors on Venom because they didn't have the money in the budget for the season to buy more colors of paint! Needless to say, Venom won out.


90's TAS Venom looked much cooler than Spectacular SM Venom.
