last 5 episodes of season 5. Please help
Can someone tell me what was the inspiration for those 5 episodes especially.
where and how the authors of this series received their inspiration for the story-lines ?
the first intro into the ''great Beyonder'' is intriguing,it is almost as if he is represented as an Elohim,a Creator God that create this ultimate test between ''good'' and ''evil'' to see which one is truly more ''powerful''. There is also that which the ''Beyonder'' describes as a planet that has no concept of ''evil'',and are therefore of ''unity consciousness'',not duality consciousness,like Earth.
Of course this is a simplistic approach,and not one that is accurate in its goals,but still,just an example of what cartoons I used to watch as a kid,the themes that were featured,and what may have sub-consciously guided me on my path as a kid indeed: (dont know how to make urls)
These episodes from the Spider-Man cartoon were always the ones that stirred me as a child in the 90s most of all. These episodes and topics were way over my head when it came to ''dealing with the ramifications of it all''. Since I managed to understand everything as a kid,these themes both terrified(particularly there being possible ''evil'' versions of ones own self in parallel realities for ex but also the whole ''good vs evil'' manifesto on such an epic scale) as well as fascinated me. And these were also,for some weird reason,the episodes I almost always missed,and always waited for months in order to catch another glimpse of these fascinating episodes.Something resonated to me with this,and now there is the internet where I can watch and share this with everyone.
I also now understand why,as a kid,these themes were so important to me.I could always relate to Peter Parker and his dilemmas,and resonate now even more to his desire to save the ''villains'' like Lizard or Venom(symbiot with Eddie Brock) or ''Morbius''(vampire) rather than just kill them or isolate them in prison.Instead he searched for ways to heal them,to heal the pain and root cause of the suffering and hatred they went through, not just pretend the problem does not exist.
I also think that one of the key aspects what makes those of the light ''win'',as dualistic a term as it is,but I will use it in the context of duality worlds,is that those of the light stand united,for one united cause,while those of the dark always ''lose'' usually,because even if there are many of them,they still are keen on to double-cross and trick each other,because each of them has his own egotistical agenda and plans and each of them covets all the power they can possibly attain.So in the end,they stand alone,even though there are many of them.
United we stand,divided we fall. Also I realized further that both ''heroes'' and ''villains'' are really born from the same emotional ingredient,which is pain. Same source,and yet such different flavors that can come from pain. Like ''heroes'' may feel pain from not being able to help or ''save'' someone, and ''villains'' may have become villains because of the pain of their lack of self-esteem or lack of love,which pains their soul,and so they become bitter and ''villains'' for ex.In both cases however,it is all propelled by pain it seems. (see text below for my comment on this episode)
Here this episode also mentions the ''reptilian side of the brain trying to take over the mind'' which makes one ''unable to control my anger''.
And also at the end of the episode ,when ''Dr. Doom'' infuses the ''Beyonder'' with himself, he takes his powers,which he is not ready for and as Spider-Man says ''your sleeping sub-conscious mind used you beyond your powers to create monsters that are tearing your kingdom apart'' (this is a great analogy to inner demons/darkness tearing ones inner garden/kingdom apart) and then Doom says ''Why cant I make them go away ?'' and Spidey replies:
''They are your troubled unhappy mind,they are your nightmares made real'' and ''You are just a human being ''Doom''.You were never meant to have this kind of power''
And as Spider-Man always says and I reiterate here for myself and all who will listen : ''Great power entails great responsibility''
and so when spider-man says ''you are just human'' one can realize that such power as the Beyonder has,where one uses pure will to create ones own reality, can only be achieved when one has cleansed out ones own inner garden(In case of Doom, his ''unhappy troubled mind'' which we all know is the Lower Self and the Ego) and then one has the responsibility to yield such power and thus be able to control it,by uniting with ones lower and higher self.
I truly see a richness of truth and wisdom spread around in these cartoons and those seeds were layed into me personally from such a cartoon as this. Unfortunately not all pay enough attention to it,but I am sure all of you will be able to appreciate this analogy and let the cartoon speak for itself.
Even now,after all I have been through,both inwardly and outwardly,I still cherish the fact that I had the opportunity and gift of being able to see this cartoon among others,for even now looking at them as an adult,I realize how much wealth of value and worth these cartoons truly contain and for that I thank God as well. Cartoon characters that are nuanced and realistic,topics that make me dwell deep within me are the ones that make me cry tears of both sadness as well as gratefulness to have taught me the lessons they did.
Perhaps that is truly the reason why I have for a couple of years now desired to enter the worlds/realities of the cartoons,so that my consciousness may interact with these characters in a real cartoon environment,but one which will feel just as real as this 3dimensional one. In honor of these cartoon characters teaching me so much as I was growing up,I want to also help those cartoon characters in their own lives and challenges,helping those like Spider-Man also reach an inward ascension in consciousness and in any other way I may help many of them in alternate parallel realities thus,where things go differently than they did in the episodes I saw their lives unfold in in my 3D life here.
To quote Spider-Man ''I've learned time and time again, that with great power there must also come great responsibility''
And Gods love and Unity Consciousness are one of the greatest powers there are,so let us all be responsible about reaching and yielding that great power.
the very last episode of Spidey, I just wanted to say that I have never seen it EVER until only now,and this thread is the reason I did,and wow,all I can say is what ''madam Web'' said in the very end of the last episode,and I feel this goes out to all of you who may read this:
''It has been a long hard journey and I think you are finally entitiled to some happiness''...all you true believers out there!
I feel inspired by this cartoon,and I feel I inspired myself through God working through me,I feel that by going through these episodes tonight I have gone through a catharsis as well on some level.
P.S. And to think that for many months now two of my passionate dreams were to both,after ascension, both enter a reality of the superhero movies(including Spider-Man) and perhaps even more ironic,to actually become a ''superhero'' like Spider-Man in this parallel Universe where no such superhero was ever known to people of New York City or any other place on this planet. Maybe,much like the ending of this Spider-Man series,I was in the reality where such ''superheroes'' were fiction,but I will create reality where they are no longer fiction. To think of the possibilities and in the middle of it all is unity,love and joy.
I hope that much like I was inspired by this, someone out there reading all this may also be touched in some way by all this.
To quote Stan Lee,''to all you true believers out there'' I simply say 2 final things
With great power there comes great responsibility
May the Light shine always and forever within you all.
...and see you in the funny papers
Ascension is near.
If anyone wants to read my original thoughts on it,here: