The show in hindsight.
This was, and still is, my favorite animated series ever made. Yes, I'm a fanboy of the show, and dream of the day it gets properly released on dvd. However, I'm having a blast revisiting the show on Netflix. I have noticed a couple gaps in logic that I never noticed before (which I find amusing) and my overall opinion on certain seasons has only slightly altered.
Originally I thought season 3 was the best season, and looking back, I feel that's only partially true. It definitely has the best episodes of the entire series, but as a whole season, there are a few unfortunate turds. For one, the first 3 episodes are largely filler, and the Dr. Strange episode is an incredibly weak opener for such a fantastic second half of the season. I think the best overall season is probably 2, the Neogenic Nightmare. It remains consistent quality, and the only gripe is that Morbius shouldn't have been in that many episodes. However, they really made it work, and I love the tri-conflict between Spider-Man, his disease, Morbius, and the Punisher.
Speaking of Morbius, here are some those logic-gaps I mentioned earlier:
-Spider-Man wants to help Morbius, yet he always approaches him with aggression
-Spider-Man witnesses Morbius turn back into a human during the day, so why doesn't he ever hunt him down then? It never dawns on him to use his spider-tracers for Morbius. During one of their fights, he could've attached one to him, then found him during the day as a helpless human and captured him. Guess he wouldn't be much of a villain if Spider-Man took him down this way, lol.
-Similarly, Scorpion wants to cure himself and turn back into a normal human. Why the hell doesn't Spider-Man or Professor Stillwell cooperate? Stillwell's nightmares would go away, and it would be so easy to capture plain old human Mac Gargan. But instead they keep him that way, so who's the REAL villain here? (lol)
-The Spot steals a truck load of cash, but Spider-Man suddenly forgives and forgets this detail when he realizes Spot just wants to save his girlfriend Sylvia. I guess if you're "clearly no killer" then it's okay to rob a bank.
-Also, Spot's "fate" makes absolutely no sense. He creates and controls portals, yet one that got too big kills him? Why? And if that's true, how the hell did his machine survive? I like to speculate about this and think that the Spot never actually died, but traveled somewhere else, like Paris or something. He realizes that his technology is too dangerous and chucks it into a portal and leaves it there thinking nobody would find it(hence how it came back in Goblin War). Then he lays low with Sylvia enjoying life without "money grubbing fatheads" like Kingpin. It's the only thing that makes sense to me, and this show never truly kills anybody, unless you're a clone.
I'm sure there's more, but I felt like sharing. :)