How Did It End?
Does anybody happen to know how this Series Ended? Thanks!
shareI'm not sure what you are asking. If you meant that as in you missed the last episode, it was a cliffhanger. They leave you wondering you the father of Cory's baby is. If you meant, why the show just did. I e-mailed Jim Davidson (Lt./Sgt. T.C. Callaway) and he said that he guesses the network thought 101 episodes was enough.
he's really cool like that =D I've emailed him a couple of times and I've always gotten a reply in the next couple of days. check out his website, there's an email address on there for him. He's the nicest guy!
*Bean Girl: Kim Tomei*
Smile make people wonder what you're up to!!
He replys? Wow! Cool! I think I'll try! But what am I going to ask!!?
but back to the subject! Do you mean who we think was/it the father? If that's it, then I think it's T.C.! Because then they could get some more drama into the series! But i realy don't know! I got realy mad when I saw it! That I was never going to get the real anwser!
Sorry, if there is any mistakes! - i'm from Denmark, and not realy good at english!:P
I also found the ending really annoying, I just saw a repeat of the last episode yesterday, because here in Norway the send Pacific Blue every summer and every summer I get so annoyed when I watch the last episode. I think that the last episode implies that they probably meant to make more episodes.
shareis'nt there going to come more episodes after cory got the letter? that's sucks!!! i
theres is have to be an ending of all of this!!!!!!!
Wasn't 4 of the rocket cops surpose have gotta together? Two of them slept together. And the other two just talk all night.
shareI'm mailing with Jim Davidson (TC Callaway) and he told me in a mail that no one knows for sure, but he thinks they were going to make TC the father of the baby. He's a nice guy who cares for others.