I really don't know what to say about this episode. It just didn't work for me, although it should have, with a great premise and Tom Arnold starring in it.
Setting the episode in the present day was a mistake, because it's just too far fetched. It was quite boring as well. Not a whole lot happened, with very little action or suspense.
The robots' plot is lame and could never work. We even see how weak the robots are - a grown man can easily rip one apart. So how could they succeed? And there has to be a human being behind the company because someone had to build the very first robot.
The scene with the daughter and her boyfriend who were about to have sex was completely pointless.
There are also a number of goofs. In the garage, the robot lifts the back up off the car and you can see the wheels spinning, but the car is a Taurus, which is front wheel drive. If the robot lifted the back up, the car could still be driven and it would simply pull the robot along behind it. Another scene where they're at the dinner table has the robot telling them he's made pork chops, when we see a steak on the plate.
Read the story "With Folded Hands" by Jack Williamson. I believe that this episode was based on JW's story. If they would have followed the story a little closer, then we would have known were the robots come from and how they could be that coordinated.
The robots' plot is lame and could never work. We even see how weak the robots are - a grown man can easily rip one apart. So how could they succeed? And there has to be a human being behind the company because someone had to build the very first robot.
The scene with the daughter and her boyfriend who were about to have sex was completely pointless.
There are also a number of goofs. In the garage, the robot lifts the back up off the car and you can see the wheels spinning, but the car is a Taurus, which is front wheel drive. If the robot lifted the back up, the car could still be driven and it would simply pull the robot along behind it. Another scene where they're at the dinner table has the robot telling them he's made pork chops, when we see a steak on the plate.
A grown man man may rip one apart, but it would just be replaced the next morning. The robots are like zombies. Their strength is in their numbers.
The coitus interuptus between the daughter and boyfriend showed that the robot was being the parent that Tom Arnold's character did not have time to be. I thought it was a necessary scene. It did, however, miss an opportunity for an Outer Limits gratuitous token boob shot.
It looked to me like the Robot was lifting up the front of the car.
I sill get a kick out of the scene where the robot was sitting in the couch watching TV.
I bet the wife must have felt bummed out that the Gideon robots were not completely anatomically functional like the Valerie 23 model.
I also wonder about why the episode chose to call the robot Gideon.
"O my Lord, how can I save Israel? Indeed my clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my father's house." And the LORD said to him, "Surely I will be with you, and you shall defeat the Midianites as one man." (Judges 6:15-16)
Hmmm. _______________ A dope trailer is no place for a kitty.
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I bet the wife must have felt bummed out that the Gideon robots were not completely anatomically functional like the Valerie 23 model.
How do you know that he wasn't? I mean, sure he didn't look human, but that doesn't mean that he doesn't have a metallic version of the male anatomy. Besides, if you don't care about making him seem human, you can add in all sorts of 'extras'.
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