Not talking about personal horror, but what a mainstream audience would consider horror. Appreciate the help. I watched a number of episodes, but they all seemed to fall under Sci-Fi, though certainly intense at times.
Tempests is pretty horrific, in a good way. I wouldn't advise watching it if you're arachnophobic, though. No spoilers, this happens in the opening minutes. If you're looking for a horror anthology series, try Masters of Horror if you haven't already. It's hit and miss, but some of the episodes are truly amazing. Cigarette Burns gave me nightmares, and I'm a dyed in the wool horror fan. I also like The Screwfly Solution and The Black Cat. Stuart Gordon and Jeffrey Combs for the win. Beware of Imprint. If you're familiar with Takashi Miike, you'll know why.
Thanks. Will check out Tempests. I have been watching Masters of Horror. Think Cigarette Burns is my favorite. I also watched most of Fear Itself, and now into AHS, but I need more! Hoping there might be something in The Outer Limits.
That episode where the scientist / doctor whatever injects himself with his own nanobots and they go nuts... It started well but ended rather badly for him.
One of my favourites, and I have not seen this show in years.
I think it was either "bits of love" or "skin deep" but it was an episode with a doctor who injects himself with medical nanobots and things start off well but it turns to horror eventually..... He ends up dying in a most horrific way.
That's the one. He was injected with medical nanites, and they went a little crazy and didn't shut down when they had finished the job they were supposed to do.