This an outer limits episode?
Hey guys,
I remember this one episode from a series whether its TOL i have no idea.
This is what i remember - There is this guy who has committed a crime and he has a very unique punishment.
Rather than going to jail they put a mark upon his head and this has a huge impact in society. People will not talk to him and he is refused medical attention like he is a leper or something. Here are some images i remember,
- He tries to hide his mark with a hat whilst on a video call but the mark burns through and the nurse on the other end see's what he is.
- Towards the end of the episode he meets a woman like himself who bares the same punishment.
- Anyway who helps him will bare the same punishment i.e. there are a few drones followung him constantly.
This is a very vivid description but this thing always stuck with me...can anyone help?