MovieChat Forums > The Outer Limits (1995) Discussion > Episode S6 ep17 ""Gettysburg" about Conf...

Episode S6 ep17 ""Gettysburg" about Confederate flag

With all the talks about the Confederate flag in the last few days .

I found the episode ep6-17 "Gettysburg" to be very interesting .

A time Traveler send two kids from American Civil War re-enactment back to the battle of Gettysburg , because in the future of 2013 a Black President will symbolically bury the Confederate flag .
But one of the kid will want to shoot the president to honor the flag of the Confederate States of America.

The episode really get into the two side of argument about the Confederate flag.
Does the Confederate flag represent the Cultural heritage to some people or does it divide the people ?

The episode was aired in yr 2000 , with A black President who tries to Bury the Confederate flag once and for all .

It is kind of strange to see how an episode from a decade ago can relate to the present situation .


And don't forget, the pilot of the short-lived X-Files spin-off "The Lone Gunman" featured a story in which terrorists attempt to fly a jet airliner into the World Trade Center towers just months before the real-life 9/11 attacks.

Coincidence? Perhaps. But when coincidences appear this contrived, it makes one wonder...

Originality needs a reboot.


I don't know.

It seems obvious (maybe just in hindsight) that any black president is going to want to erase the history of the south [mostly out of spite] so a writer for the team probably came up with it because he'd heard others talk about it in his past.

Of course, the professional black victims (Jesse and Al) don't want history removed because that's their bread and butter, but that's a different topic.

...I'm still waiting for my reparations from when the Romans sacked my tribal ancestor's Germanic villages.

Kerbal Space Program:
Failure is not an option. It's a requirement!


I don't think any of that was really the point of the episode.
