Could someone help me to find an episode?
I don't even know if this is an episode from this tv series.
Long time ago I watched an episode about a guy who rescued a weird girl with blond hair. Some guy tried to kill her, but the other guy appeared and rescued her. This girl looked really innocent and scared, but it was only a pretense. She was very dangerous, she had a pointy, sharp teeth and was a cannibal. I don't remember clearly, but I think that in the end she ate this guy's family (or some members). After that he tried to kill her (in a forest?), but then some other guy appeard and rescued her. At the end of the episode we finding out why this guy nr 1 tried to kill her at the beginning - because she was a monster. But guy nr 2 didn't know it then. He rescued her, she turns out to be a monster, ate his family, in the end he tried to kill her, but then guy nr 3 appeared and rescued her.
I know, this whole story sounds crazy xD. Maybe it was just a dream o_O, I don't know. But if it is an actual episode of "The Outer Limits" or some other SF tv series, then I would be very grateful if someone could give me the name of this episode :-)
PS Sorry about my English. I'm from Poland :-)