Season 6?

The original DVD releases were issued a while ago and then Universal released them in slim packaging with no extras except closed captioning. Are they ever going to release season 6? I gave my originals to a friend and now I am sorry.


I've been keeping an eye out for the 6th season of the new releases. Wondering if it will include the 5 shows before it became a series. I feel that maybe they'll add that to number six since the first one did not have those!

Plus the sixth season only had like 8 episodes. They should include the 5 mini movies that started the series!

Just looked again, still the same Season 6 boxed set as available on Amazon:

It's the original DVD boxed set, not a new one.


The Xena season 6 slim sets were just announced for pre-order, so I imagine it won't be long until season six of Herc is announced too. I'm curious as to what Universal will do with the movies. If they'll add them to season 6, or milk for money by releasing them as five separate DVD movies. I somehow picture the latter.
