The The The Song

Yes the first series is the best and I remember when it was first shown in 1995 how refreshing and absolutely hilarious it was.
One of my favourite reasons for loving it back then was it's coolness.
Great, young cast of about my age.
Loaded magazine popping up in it.
Chris Evans being called a ginger tosser!!
Quotes and re-enactments from films.
And the fact that a song by the greatest cult artiste ever- Matt Johnson a.k.a The The- was played in an episode.
It was Dogs Of Lust from the excellent 1992 LP Dusk and it's when Ben Chaplin is camcorder in hand dancing in front of the mirror.
Does anyone know of a cooler little known band ever being played in a British sitcom?
Don't think they ever played Gang Of Four in any episode of The Bottle Boys or Mind Your Language, ha ha!!!


Opening and ending an episode with The Manics 'From Despair to Where' was pretty cool too.


It definitely was - a great song, and used to great effect!


i was gona post for the title to that song...sweedish.


You mean 'Where I Find My Heaven' by the Gigalo Aunts


There was one episode where the Manics song was used as the closing theme and in the first scene.

