Too many to mention, but here's a few of the classics.
Matt to Martin (giving an explanation to Mandy's apparent foul mood): "She's on the blob mate"
Also (Matt again): "Women get weird when they're on their blobs"
Matt (working on a song for 'Pro-Active'- the chorus): "Blag, Knob, Swivel Dick, Love Pump, Tallywacker" (then) "Shag, Blag, Blag, Blag, Bonk, Bonk, Shag, Shag, Skunk Pussy, RIGHT NOW".
Matt (Series Two) in 'Big Bod's Gym' to Jason: "It's a bit funny in 'ere innit mate? I reckon one or two of them are arse bandits".
Matt to Martin: "Wally Bazzoom from the bank? He sounds like a complete wanker."
Matt (Series Two) to Hannah (Mandy's friend): "Hannah? Oh yeah, Dunn and the Mega-penises, right?"
Matt (Mandy standing in front of the TV obscuring his view): "Get out the way, I feel peculiar when I haven't got a clear view of the telly".
Matt to Martin (about Martin's date Nancy): "Why don't you bring her round here, and we can both have a go at her"
Mandy (on life living with Martin and Matt): "It's like being stuck in a lift with Beavis and Butthead".
Martin: "Is it alright if I have a hard-on?" Mandy: "Yes, just so long as you don't poke me with it"
Matt to Mandy: "How do I know what your shoe was doing under my bed? I expect it was just lying there, quietly stinking of girl sweat".
Matt: "Yeah, we knew Mandy before she was a virgin!"
Matt (arguing with Pro-Active's drummer): "Hookman, your voice has gone all squeaky."
I love the Wally Bazzoom bit: Matt to Martin: "Even if I was lonley, which I'm not and if I wasn't incredibly busy, which I am, the last thing I want is to be seen out with a couple of losers like you and Willy Bosom."
"It is better to die once, than to live in constant fear of death."
Hey all, I'm new on here and I'm prob going to mis-quote a bit now but OMG how brilliant is the entire Matt ringing up Martin when he's working for the samaritans or whoever pretending he's nobbing a nymphomaniac Clare and then finally coming clean?
"Martin...Martin, it's me." "Oh God...what? I don't think that's very funny, Matthew." "I do!"
All the student and ginger stuff, yeah! And when he meets that girl who's both ginger and a student? Brilliant.
Allllll of the 'TEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!' and 'Martin, you forgot to stir.' kinda stuff between Matt and Martin. Me and my brother still quote that at each other regarding tea making all these years later.
I personally love the episode in series one where he joins the band upstairs.
"Are you taking the piss out of the FURY?" lol!
OHHHHHHHHH and of course when he's bored at home in the flat and the Reservoir Dogs bit with the bear.
When he wakes up and he's stabbed himself in the leg with the knife he straps to his shin and orders a takeaway. "Ordinary coke, not diet - I NEED THE SUGAR!"
Too many fave lines to put but 3 that spring to mind are Matthew telling Martin "We dont beg from black northern boxers" from Big Wednesday or from series 2 I think when Matthew says to stoat "so.. did you have any luck in the old shagging department?" whilst giving the shagging gesture and also in another episode when Matthew is all pissed about his Sonic the Hedgehog socks.. "what about...what about...what about my socks?"
"Steve MacQueen as Chris......Chris is the sort of name a turd would have!!!" "its up there with Robert DeNiro as Toby in Raging Bull".......cracks me up.
Matt- "Martin-we do not beg from black, northern boxers"
Matt- "well in that case we'll all be alright won't we, if the flat gets overtaken by hijackers--- as long as you've got your vest on"
Matt-"Mandy, I suffer from insomnia" Mandy- "Maybe if you didn't stomp around listening to the Manic Street Preachers and try something really weird like, say, lying down, then maybe you'd get some sleep"
So many I can't remember now. Classic 90s tv.
"If it's a girl they're gonna call it Sigourney after some actress. And if it's a boy they're gonna call him Rodney..after Dave"
The bit in Series 2 where Mandy's gay psychologist friend comes and makes friends with Matt (but doesn't tell him he's gay) and falls in love with Matt. That is my favourite episode I think, but the best bit is where they're in Matt's room and Matt's explaining why he doesn't want to leave the house and saying about the black slime oooooozing up through the pavements and it's made of rotting bodies and the slime surfers and the jissom monkeys and I'm BLIIIIIIND, MAN!!!!!
MARTIN - Sometime's I think you should get out a bit, Matt. Find out what's going on in the real world.
MATTHEW - Don't you worry about me mate, I know what's going on in the real world, I got my finger on the pulse, alright? I'm rooted in reality me, right up to the bollox. You better believe it man. [switches on the television] Oh *beep* Mart! Now look what she's gone and done. We've missed half of Sunset Beach!
MARTIN - Well only the first five minutes.
MATTHEW - Only the first five minutes! Listen you w anker, now we don't know whether Oregan decided to go to the prom with Bret or with Jay.
I also love this wonderful motto from Matthew.
MATTHEW - Never explain. Never apologise. Never look back. Game on.
Stoat (shouting at TV): If they're dangerous, then I must be..... B*ST*RD WELL DANGEROUS!!! (and I love the bit where Matt shoots the TV at the end)
Martin: There's lots of things a chap can be; a lad, a new man etc. Matt: But you're still a BLOKE, right?
Martin (to Archie): Mandy just wants you for your money Archie: Well, I suppose it is the most interesting thing about me!
Matt (as De Niro doing stand-up): Are you talkin' to me, ginger student muthaf...
Matt: There's a time to surf, and a time to wax your board. And I'm not just talking about surfing!
Jason (after being kissed by Matt): Could you show me again? Matt: Yeah, nice one mate. Anyone would think we're a couple of a**e-bandits! (then) We can have a bit of a wrestle if you like!
Whilst looking at the picture of Archie's sister Lulu in the magazine.
Matt: "Is this what posh blokes wank over?"
Also when Martin is trying to make Matt fess up to his feelings for Jason
"What are you talking about you stupid BOLLOCK head!?"
Just the way he says it cracks me up.
and lastly, when Archie's Mum and Sister come over for Dinner and Matt puts on the posh routine, That "YAH Keeps me ticking over" line makes me lol everytime.
I love Game On - and it's constantly repeated in the UK early morning on Dave.
But my first recollection apart from all the obvious gags is when Matt is sat in his living room watching TFI Friday (which Chris Evans used to host). The ongoing gag in all 3 series is Matt is adverse to people with ginger hair (other than his flatmate Martin obviously).
Matt: (TFI Friday theme starts) Aaaaaaahhhhh . . . . get off you ginger tosser!
I have all 3 series of Game On - and look forward to reminiscing with it all at weekends (or my Monday/Tuesday days off work I call my weekend).
Crispin Bonham Carter who played Mandy's boss (then fiance) Archie had quite a few good one-liners too. If anyone happens to have episode 2 of series 3 which it about 10 minutes into the episode and he says something that got the audience laughing.
All in all a fabulous 1990's Britpop sitcom that broke the mould before the likes of Friends & Will & Grace graced our screens.
One of my favourites is Matt saying to Martin that he's asexual and them both telling eachother their fantasies....favourite line from that is "That doesn't surprise me coming from the amoeba man" hahahaha
Noone I think is in my tree, I mean it must be high or low
Martin: It's as if we need each others permission to exist. We can't even go to the toilet without telling each other about it. Mandy: I don't think it's that bad. Matt: I'm just going for a dump.
Martin: You don't have to sleep with him. Mandy: But he's in the flat now.
Matt: I think one or two of them might be arse bandits.
Matt: I don't want to suck it so just let's have your bucket.
Man: Have you ever read Lord of the Rings? Mandy: Bugger off!!!!
Martin: She's also got these soft dark hairs on her upper lip. Matt: Christ, you mean she's got a 'tache?