MovieChat Forums > Game-On (1995) Discussion > Who is that guy? That's not Matt...

Who is that guy? That's not Matt...

A few years ago I accidentally acquired season one of Game On. I was trying to get an old game show I watched as a child.

I ended up loving it, the most memorable episode is the one in which we see how Matthew spends his day at home, re-enacting Taxi Driver and falling asleep in Mandy's bed.

I loved him yelling at Martin: TEA-AH!!

I just got season 2 and the subject line was my first reaction. I hope this new guy delivers.


The new guy neil sturke, yes he delivered.
He was brilliant and I preferred him.


What? Better than ben Chaplin. Haha he was the polar opposite


It's obviously a matter of opinion but I thought Neil was awful. Not his fault, just terrible miscasting.

Free your mind and the rest will follow


Couldn't agree more. imo Chaplin as Matthew was irreplaceable.


I liked both actors but Chaplin was definitely better. Men Behaving Badly kind of did the same after series one but atleast they changed the character.. Probably couldn't do that with Game On as Matthew owned the flat and it mostly revolved around him never leaving it due to skunk pussies etc
