One bizarre thing that would have made this a better movie...
No wolves.
Is it just me or was the movie going along just fine until Will started turning in to a wolf? I understand it to the extent that having wolf blood in him caused an increase in his aggression and forced him to become more dominant, but running around in the park, killing a bunch of stereotypical thugs in the park, urinating on a co-worker's shoes? To me, and me alone maybe, it detracted from a really good story they had going.
When Stewart turned in to a wolf, the movie took a decided turn for the worse. It got dumb and boring with a goodie-vs-baddie plot that was ridiculously simple in contrast to everything that had built up to that point.
When Laura became a wolf, I couldn't give a crap what happened to any of them. By that stage it felt like the writers were just pulling names out of a hat to see who would become a wolf next.