What a piece of nonsense WTF was Craven trying to go for here? SERIOUSLY
Can anyone explain this movie to me. I REALLY want to know (was it intended to be a comedy?).
I've been a Craven fan since his 70's movies. Obviously I love his Freddy movies, EXCEPT this one.
WTF was the point?
- Actors and producers of horror movies are weirdoes and have emotional scarring from their filmmaking?
- Filmmaking serves to trap ambiguous evil entities? Not sure what will another sequel accomplish that the last one didn't to truly trap this evil as Craven says in the movie.
- Actors can't tell reality from their movie roles?
Because for the love of me the movie has too many cons to take seriously:
- It's not scary/creepy/unnerving (or funny, even Shocker had plenty of laughs and a killer soundtrack at least) in the least
- The musical score sucks (was there even one?)
- Freddy's makeup is amongst the worst/fakest looking ones (only Freddy's Dead beats it)
- Most of the story is about Langenkamp's fending off career opportunities from NLC and dealing with her stalker (who cares about that?!!!)
- Freddy apparently can do whatever and whenever he feels like (no rules at all, feels like Candyman only without the creepy element that movie actually had)
- Pretty much all the death scenes (all 2 of them, the techs don't count) are 100% copies from previous NOES movies, and so slow to the point you are literally looking at your watch or going for the fast forward button to get it over with. Since we KNOW like exactly what's gonna happen, no suspense.
- While the green hat and coat were a nice addition, the leather pants with knee high laceboots looked right out of an S&M bar (I was almost waiting for Freddy to turn around and show his bare @$$, you know, assless chaps).
- The final scene in Freddy's lair bordered on parody/mockery, like something Edward Wood would have directed/produced.
The ONLY good thing going for it was Heather (lovely, talented and gorgeous), but she alone can't make this worth the time.
So again, what was the point?!!!!! There's a reason this movie tanked and is the one that made the less money of all of the nightmare movies. Heck even the remake was better than this.