MovieChat Forums > True Lies (1994) Discussion > Anybody else remember when this came out...

Anybody else remember when this came out?

There was a big controversy because butthurt Muslims objected to the villains being Islamic terrorists. Even back then nobody was buying it and the butthurt Muslims were laughed at, but today if they tried protesting like that in front of a movie theater, a crowd of angry hillbillies would kill them.

"Ass to ass. Ha ha ha ha. ASS TO ASS!"



"I like simple pleasures like butter in my ass and lollipops in my mouth." - Floyd Gondolli


Today no director or screenwriter would tackle any of these issues even in a light-hearted manner, we're all too afraid.

The PC crowd sadly has become too powerful.

On the positive side things will change again soon.


B#llsh!t, this imaginary political correctness monster. You can get away with pretty much anything about Arabs and Muslims, probably the last acceptable bigotry.

Check out this funny British film that mocks jihadis and the British actually have a Muslim population, unlike America-

Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.


I remember everyone getting butthurt by the way Cameron treated Jamie Lee Curtis's character. They can kiss my ass personally.
