Huh, very interesting. I never knew this. It's definitely a very funny role for her. Much easier to win a GG back then for a role like this. Plus, since they separate comedy and drama categories, that makes it easy, too. But I couldn't see a role like this winning now.
I'm in the minority here, but this is really one of my favorite James Cameron movies. So funny and entertaining. A rare modern slapstick comedy adventure film. I just saw this movie again the other day and wondered What the hell happened to Jamie Lee Curtis after this?! It just seems like she capped out at this film, then really nothing major after this. She was so big in the 80s and I feel like her career culminated with this movie.
Just checked. She was working fairly steady in the 90s, but not a lot. Looks like after True Lies, she was doing 1 to 2 projects per year, including TV, so nothing big until Halloween H20 in '98. Freaky Friday was 2003. Looks like True Lies was the beginning of her Mom phase in films!
Just watchin it now, and I was gonna post something about wether it holds up or not almost 20 years later, but I was just commenting to my wife what a talent Jamie Lee Curtis is and stumbled across this thread, so . . .
What is really fantastic about her work in True Lies is that she is, at one point, playing a role within a role. She is playing a button up house wife who then has to play a call girl.
To be clear - you do not watch her play a housewife, and then watch her play a hooker - you watch her play a housewife pretending to be a hooker. This accomplishment is so understated as to go unnoticed, especially since it is a minor sub-plot in an action flick.
But I would put an exclamation point on it by pointing out that in at least two movies previous to this - A Fish Called Wanda and Trading Places - Jamie Lee played a slut and a hooker respectively. In fact, she had a bit of a reputation due to the characters she played - so much so that John Lovitz once grabbed her breast at an awards show (with her father Tony in the audience) and she responded by grabbing at his crotch. Lovitz said "Missed.".
The point is that she knew how to play a slut, and could very easily have slipped into a "slut" character - instead she does something incredibly difficult and maintains character as a house wife uncomfortably playing a hooker.
I don't know if I am making this as clear as I'd like, its difficult in type to be as concise as I'd like to be.
People went to this movie for Arnie and the action, but here, 20 years later, I realize that Curtis displays the best acting of the entire cast, and I appreciate her work in here at long last.
I am glad to here her efforts were recognized and rewarded. Thank goodness there are people in the world with more foresight and brains than me.
I agree that she's pretty undesestimated just because she doesn't take dramatic roles but if anything that makes her a tremendously daring actress. this role particularly had amazing stunts and was a very challenging role in terms of transformation (from housewive to whore and boy did she act the hell out of both) and the helicopter stunt. this is the endless discussion that action, horror and comedy actresses are always invariably underrated and they all have to go on to do drama to earn any sort of recognition. this is clearly the case here. she deserved that golden globe and she deserved the box office, let money speak for itself - who needs awards.