The last of the 80s action films.
It might have been made in 1994 but it had all the charms of a classic 1980's action movie. It was dumb, funny, silly but great. The writing is really quite good. It's not TOO deep but it's not dead shallow, so I guess it's starting to get its toe out of the 80s but still, it really does feel like the last of its kind. I can't think of what Arnold did next to be honest.
Also the CGI and stuff with the jet in this, IS FANTASTIC when you consider it was 1994.
THIS is why film makers with limited budgets and technology kick ass. This is EXACTLY what people talk about when they refer to Star Wars and the limits of technology.
They can only do so much so they keep it sensible! (!!!) This is why modern CGI based films, 9 times out of 10 go overboard and they introduce weird physics, or odd movement and totally unrealistic crap which ruins the film.
Honestly, yes the jet scenes look a LITTLE bit fake but you can totally tell that Arnold is sitting inside the REAL cockpit of a mock jet, it's made of real plastic and foam and bullcrap painter right but it's a real physical object (!) it's not him sitting inside a green chair, in a green room with a green jet being drawn around him.
Also, two last things. I thought I didn't like Tom Arnold, I have no idea why - he was great and Tia Carrere... Tia Carrere (!!!!) man I miss these kinds of movies.