Even Better Today!

The nostalgia effect of this film is intangible to the viewing experience.

Good film.


I'm glad you haven't been sucked into the modern feminist / progressive hatred for all things male. Otherwise, you might never enjoy this movie.


There are two ways of seeing this judging from your comment:
1. It's a highly subjective opinion.
2. It's a highly subjective opinion from somebody who obviously puts a feminists-are-to-blame slant on everything. Your other posts prove this. Case in point: The scapegoat theory - for people who cannot deal with difficulties issues in their lives and therefore find some lower ranking scapegoat to take out their anger and frustration on. Nazis did that with Jews. Understand?

Scapegoat theory is a valid term, look it up yourself. Do you have any valid terms of your own? I'm afraid somebody who lacks any kind of self-insight isn't going to scrutinize himself or his "thinking" (do we sense a hint of irony here?).

Feminists, feminists, feminists, feminists. God, you're a boring parrot. Nobody forbids you from seeing this movie or liking it. Likewise YOU have no right telling others who don't like it that they're wrong, foolish or "non-male" for not liking it.

Tell what you said in any serious debate, or in public, or in any report you write in university. Or are you afraid your "manhood" is threatened somehow? I wonder what Sigmund Freud would say about you?

We all know who feels "hatred" here. Stop projecting your own biased nonsense and ascribing your own contempt and hate for anything that isn't exactly like onto others.

Can you stick with just judging the movie on its OWN merit?


Can you stick with just judging the movie on its OWN merit?
I don't think he can. I'm always coming across posts from this fellow, where he constantly critiques films along some bizarre sort of gender framework of his own construction.
I wonder what Sigmund Freud would say about you?
That he feels his ...
"manhood" is threatened somehow.
