MovieChat Forums > True Lies (1994) Discussion > Helen falling during her dance.

Helen falling during her dance.

I don't know what was funnier, the fact that Helen fell, how Harry got worried but went back to chill in a split second when realising she way okay or the way Helen got up like it was nothing. ?


Everything about it is highly amusing because Jamie Lee's fall was unscripted and Arnold's reaction was genuine. It's truly a great moment.

You want something corny? You got it!


The whole movie feels very genuine. Like everyone was just having a lot of fun.

"People get it wrong, but in today's world we don't live longer, we just die harder." -Bruce Willis


The tango dances and Helen's sexy/comical pole dance are wonderful additions to the content of this film.🐭


This remains one of my favorite Swarzzy flicks. Jamie Lee Curtis is great in it. The fall just adds to the campy quality of the film. Both Tango dances are great! Love that song!

What you see (and have seen) is what you get -- and have!


Fave moment in the movie!!
