How come Tia Carrere's character didn't tie Schwartzenegger's character to the mayhem he unleashed at that party at the beginning of the film? Or, at least... why didn't Harry assume she would have pieced it together by the time they met again?
Just because something may or may not be a goof does NOT mean it is a plot hole.
Too many people just throw out the term plot hole as though it is interchangeable with goof. A plot hole is a very specific type of goof. Do yourself a favor and learn what a plot hole is before suggesting anything is a plot hole. thanks in advance.
I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!
Take a chill pill and don't bother responding just to be a non-contributory schmuck. I raised a valid point and, for some reason, you're offended. F off! It is a plot hole you tool!
I was not offended nor do I need to chill. I was mearly pointing out that way too many people overuse the term plot hole on goofs that are NOT plot holes.
YOU need to chill out and stop getting offended and retaliate with name calling like a immature 5 year old.
It's called transference. You are taking your own reactions and feelings and inappropriately applying them to me.
Grow up Child.
I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!
whatever dumbass. You just validated my thoughts on you. All I did was point out not to overuse or misuse the term plothole. and you went full retard troll on me.
I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!
No, I read this and you started it by using a condescending tone and thought you were holier than thou with your comment on him not knowing what makes a plot hole. Get off the movie boards with your internet courage. BTW, when someone posts something and the next guy doesn't argue or agree with the point and instead does a subtle stab at making the poster seem stupid, that person is a troll.
The OP didn't understand what a plot hole was. Too many people do misuse the term plot hole for just any type of goof.
There was nothing "holier than thou" about my pointing that out. and I was not being condescending. That would be YOU wrongfully misinterpreting my statement and then attacking me for your misinterpretation.
I cannot be held responsible for how YOU choose to view something, Only my ACTUAL intentions, which I, not YOU know what those are.
I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!
I don’t see it as a goof. There were so many people at the party. Any one of them could have cause the trouble for all sorts of reasons. Settling old scores, making money on the side, sending a message. There is little honour amongst thieves. I don't think she'd go through all of the guests as in a check list. She's a criminal and something bad just when down. She'd get out fast and then go into damage control mode somewhere safe.
True, and as she tells the terrorist after Arnold visited her again, "He checked out OK". In other words, they looked him up and his cover sounded legitimate enough for her to trust him (though the terrorist was unconvinced).
After reading this thread, I've determined that CGSailor is correct. OP is a moron and extremely rude to boot. Welcome to my ignore list, kayrayzeekat.
---------------------- Boopee doopee doop boop SEX
Why is it people can't admit they are using a term incorrectly? I remember a guy who told a story about a racer who was fatally injured in a crash, but later recovered. He just didn't get what the term "fatal" meant.
Tia's character's failing to make a connection is NOT a plot hole. Her lack of perception is within the realm of possibility.
You're forgetting one thing- I just started using laser cats again!
I like the way you say that as if it's some kind of comeback that will leave the guy very upset and teach him a lesson. I'm sure he doesn't give a flying fvck whose ignore list he's on.
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I agree with the OP, while being upset with people's understanding or lack thereof of terms is in your right, there is no need for you to be so contentious about it and at the same time contribute nothing to the actual question. I've seen you do this now on several threads for several different movies and I must say that it is you who needs to grow up. No one likes the self-righteous.
Anyway, back to the original question...the fact that Harry's departure from the venue at the same time that all the explosions and shooting occurred is not a coincidence anyone looks over - thief or not. She did check him out so that could clear him but she seemed way too open to seeing him again. He must have had some hell of a cover too considering the amount of money and means of intel she had; especially since she also had the wherewithal to track him and his wife to a hotel room. Also, why did Aziz wait so long to tell her about Harry? It's all very iffy.
the fact that Harry's departure from the venue at the same time that all the explosions and shooting occurred is not a coincidence anyone looks over - thief or not.
I'm sure a LOT of guests departed when things started blowing up.
So NO. Despite your judging my character... his departure at that time would NOT stand out as mysterious. I'm pretty sure the party was over for everyone when things started blowing up. And pointing such things out is not me being... what was the term you used? Self Righteous?
It is you not thinking everything through. I can see how someone unable to think it through all the way would see someone else pointing out the flaws in their ideas as "self righteous" but it's not the case.
Question to you.
How does one go about pointing out the wrongness in someone else's idea without that person taking it personally as the other being "self righteous"?
I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!
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Here are the contents of your entire initial post:
Just because something may or may not be a goof does NOT mean it is a plot hole.
Too many people just throw out the term plot hole as though it is interchangeable with goof. A plot hole is a very specific type of goof. Do yourself a favor and learn what a plot hole is before suggesting anything is a plot hole. thanks in advance.
Where in this response do you find an actual reply to the question? It is this type of behaviour that makes you come off as self-righteous because you have a habit of doing it. Merely pointing out flaws does not make one self-righteous, it's in the manner in which it is done.
Anyway, in response to your rebuttal: He departed right before all the explosions took place. It's not like he just slipped out either, he left rather abruptly and with her full attention. Why would there have been a large exodus before the explosions had occurred? And what idiot international terrorists would not think heavily about those circumstances? Also, no-one else at the party knew who he was and she knew everyone. You don't think they checked the guest lists thoroughly after the fact? If my memory is correct, isn't it also true that he didn't have an invitation? How did Aziz know about him and why did he wait so long to tell her? You never addressed those points either nor the fact that they had the means to find them on the fake mission. Please address all these points before making accusations.
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How does one go about pointing out the wrongness in someone else's idea without that person taking it personally as the other being "self righteous"?
This line makes you look self-righteous...
Do yourself a favor and learn what a plot hole is before suggesting anything is a plot hole. thanks in advance.
Leave that out, and you would have been fine. You'd have gotten far less people being contentious with you, even if they agreed it wasn't a plot hole. --- "If that woman packed her bags & left me I don't know what I'd do...first."---Norm, "Cheers"
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Well it is a plot hole if Tia Carrere's character did know for sure (or even suspected) that Harry was a government agent responsible for the mishap at the party, then it would have been quite foolish of him to approach her once he was exposed, she would have just put a bullet in his head right there (as they try to kill him later) and that would have been the end of the story..
But she's actually taken in by him at the party and have almost no reason to suspect him as some have mentioned above, so this is neither a plot hole nor a goof.
In fact the terrorist guy seemed quite over-paranoid to me, getting suspicion of some random guy (to him) that Tia met at some party and was just showing around, she should make a lot of business deals this way. Maybe they were involved and he was just being jealous or maybe it was a goof.. or a plothole, hmm!!
I agree with kayray and I think it is a major goof. At first, while he was dancing with Tia, Arnold said he had to go and take a flight and this happened just before the mayhem. Furthermore, the security guards outside the office where Arnold hacked the computer, saw him and I'm not sure they were all killed in the shooting outside. In truth I think they weren't involved at all. So how the hell didn't they report that Arnold/tusker was the main suspect for what happened? Consider that Tia Carrere's character was participating in the criminal activity so she should have known that Arnold was involved in the hacking and shooting or at least she had to be extremely suspicious.