Final credits

I never really paid attention to the final credits before, but last night, I noticed that in the margins of the screen, you see Grandel the mean toad with a toad bride, and you see Mr Mole marrying Ms Fieldmouse. That ties up some of the loose ends, but what about the Beetle, and Thumbelina's mom, and Jaquimo? Still single


woah i didn't know that!


Nether did I! Now I have to go check... *grabs the DVD*

edit: Ew, the lady toad is naked! I mean, all the other animals wears clothes, but she's just...naked. And she has boobs and everything. :P The cute part is that poor Grundel has his arm in a sling and his leg in a cast, nice that they at least acknowledge that he fell down a really deep hole...

